Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1155 - 1978 Magic Act - THROW for 1903.07

House of Ing, Battle Creek, Feb 17, 1978
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1155 - 1978 Magic Act -  THROW for 1903.07 - a sense of doubt post #1477

Hi Mom,

Welcome to the usual hodge podgery and the usual lateness (two days at this point).

It's the usual here. Grading Hell and other stuff. But I did more self care this week. I rode the train the BOOKS WITH PICTURES in Portland on Wednesday (which should be yesterday) and ate at a cool Viet-Fusion place called DOUBLE DRAGON; I spent time with Ivan, who is visiting, bought him Lunch on Monday and picked up his Mom's new VR computer system; I went to a poetry reading Friday (which is technically tomorrow) (book on the left), and I got a lot of work done.

Here's a mix of things with some commentary...

I love you, Mom. Thanks for listening.

Come join us for our next NW Voices event on Friday, March 8 featuring Washington State Poet Laureate Claudia Castro Luna. The poet will present a writing workshop from 3:30-5:00 p.m. at LCC in Main 145 and a reading at the Longview Public Library beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Magazine Reading Room.

Claudia Castro Luna is the Washington State Poet Laureate.  She served as Seattle’s Civic Poet, form 2015-2017 and is the author of the Pushcart nominated Killing Marías and This City, and the creator of the acclaimed Seattle Poetic Grid.  She is also a Hedgebrook and VONA alumna, a 2014 Jack Straw fellow, the recipient of a King County 4Culture grant and an individual artist grant from Seattle’s Office of Arts and Culture.  Born in El Salvador she came to the United States in 1981.  She as an MA in Urban Planning, a teaching certificate and an MFA in poetry.  Her poems have appeared in Poetry Northwest, La Bloga, Dialogo and Psychological Perspectives among others.  Her non-fiction work can be found in several anthologies, among them This is the Place: Women Writing About Home, Claudia is currently working on a memoir, Like Water to Drink, about her experience escaping the civil war in El Salvador.  Living in English and Spanish, she writes and teaches in Seattle where she gardens and keeps chickens with her husband and three children.  Since 2009, Claudia maintains Cipota bajo la Luna, a blog with reflections, writing and reviews.

So I did this thing in which I taught Japanese students visiting LCC from Atomi University, helping out the main instructor and the International Program. Tomorrow Friday, I go to a farewell dinner for this group.

I am blessed to do very cool things.

One of my students did her essay for Culture Jam as a blog for extra credit.

I am so blessed to work with so many amazing students!!


GAME OF THORNES TRAILER... more in tomorrow's post.

If Arya doesn't kill Cersei, I am never watching another season.

Who's the hooved one?

I often talk about the STATE OF THE HATE NATION, and this is one of the best examples, up there with the backlash over punching a Nazi, #Metoo, and the rise of anti-semitism attacks since the 2016 election.

The fact that this was ON DISPLAY "officially" in the capitol building of ANY STATE in this nation turns my stomach.

I fight the good fight but the narrow-minded washed-brains of the permanently brain-damaged by media nonsense and other small-minded fuckwits has me wanting to live some where else, and yet that is exactly what limited thinkers want. They want us to flee.

I am not fleeing.


CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- UPDATE 3/2/19 @ 4:15 p.m. 
Members of the West Virginia House of Delegates spent Saturday reflecting and, at times, apologizing after outbursts at the Capitol on Friday.
The chaos started after a seemingly anti-Muslim poster was put on display for "Republicans Take the Rotunda" event. The arguments on the House floor lead to the resignation of the Sergeant at Arms and the injury of a doorkeeper after Del. Mike Caputo, D-Marion, forced the chamber doors open.
"I feel just as horrible about that as you could ever imagine," Caputo said.
Caputo issued an apology to the doorkeeper, Speaker of the House Roger Hanshaw and other delegates at the start of Saturday's session. "I will do my best to rebuild your trust and your confidence in me because that's who Mike Caputo is," he said.
"I accept that apology and I believe the Republicans accept his apology," Del. Joshua Higginbotham, R-Putnam, said. That apology came after the House Rules Committee was supposed to meet early Saturday to consider possibly punishments for Caputo. However, the session continued throughout the afternoon without a morning meeting.
On Friday, Democrats urged Republicans to avoid taking action against Caputo, saying it will create more tension in the chamber.
However, lawmakers continued to call on each other for better behavior. "Violence is never the solution, even if it is untended, we have to ensure that our emotions stay in check," Higginbotham said.
"I just hope that at the end of the day we can do what we're all here for and that's represent the people in our district's in a diplomatic fashion," Caputo said.
Higginbotham added there is a need for leaders who are willing to stand up against things like racism and hate, but he hopes people can take a stand while maintaining respect for each other.
UPDATE 3/2/19 @ 8:25 a.m. 
West Virginia Republican Party Chairwoman Melody Potter is speaking out after a war of words broke out at the West Virginia Capitol Friday over a controversial poster that was displayed during a “Republicans Take the Rotunda” event.
"The West Virginia Republican Party does not approve, condone, or support hate speech," the statement says. "One of the exhibitors at our West Virginia Republican Party Day at the Capitol displayed a sign that we did not approve, were not aware of before the day started, and we do not support. Upon learning about the sign, we immediately asked this exhibitor to remove the sign.
Our Party supports freedom of speech, but we do not endorse speech that advances intolerant and hateful views. We have shown that when West Virginians are united, when we respect each other, embrace our differences and focus on moving our state forward what we can accomplish."
The firestorm has grabbed national attention since the story broke.
A meeting is set for Saturday morning to address the events that unfolded.
Keep checking the WSAZ App and WSAZ.com for the latest on this story.
UPDATE 3/1/19 @ 10:30 p.m.
The reverberations of an anti-Muslim poster on display at the West Virginia Capitol rotunda continue, with the House Sergeant at Arms resigning and talk of possible discipline against a lawmaker who allegedly injured a doorkeeper Friday.
Sgt. at Arms Anne Lieberman resigned Friday afternoon after delegates accused her of using an anti-Muslim slur. "The sergeant of arms of this body had the nerve to say to us 'all Muslims are terrorists' that's beyond shameful and that's beyond freedom of speech," Del. Michael Angelucci, D-Marion, said.

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar in the audience ahead of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address at the U.S. Capitol on Feb. 5, 2019.Mandel Ngan / AFP - Getty Images file

I might have known that this happened, but one of my students posted this reminding me.

How is this even allowed to be a thing????

I am against CENSORSHIP, really, I am. But somethings are just NOT OKAY.





Samantha WestSpecial To The Washington Post
H&M came under fire last week for an ad that featured a black child donning a sweatshirt with the words "coolest monkey in the jungle" etched on the front. The scandal drew public accusations of racism all over social media, including from the Weeknd and G-Eazy, who both cut ties with the company.
Since the scandal, the parents of the child featured in the image have publicly stated that they don't believe the ad was racist, and the company has taken several actions, including hiring a diversity leader and issuing a public apology that was featured at the top of its website.

But then there's this movie, so we're okay......

I am not down with black magic but if Satanism just means celebrating difference then I am all about it.

Again, see above with the small-minded fuckwits. This movie is going to really fuck with people.

I love it.




I just liked this...

Tom Seaver is one of my childhood heroes, as you may remember, Mom.


Hall of Fame pitcher Tom Seaver has been diagnosed with dementia and will retire from public life, his family announced on Thursday.
In a statement released by the Hall of Fame, Seaver's family expressed thanks to those who have supported the New York Mets great throughout his career and asked for privacy.
Seaver, 74, helped propel the Miracle Mets of 1969 to a World Series title. The right-hander, known as "Tom Terrific," won the Cy Young Award that year and led the National League with 25 wins.
The Mets, who retired Seaver's No. 41 in 1988, are celebrating the 1969 team on June 29. They released a statement on Thursday saying they plan to honor Seaver, even though he will not be able to attend the ceremonies.
Seaver has limited his public appearances in recent years. He did not attend the Baseball Writers' Association of America dinner in January where members of the 1969 team were honored on the 50th anniversary of what still ranks among baseball's most unexpected champions.
Several of his former teammates reacted to the news Thursday.
Ed Kranepool, Seaver's teammate on the 1969 Mets, told the Bergen Record, "He always handled himself with dignity and class. My wife Monica and I have the Seavers in our prayers."
Ron Swoboda, another member of that team, said, "Nobody competed like Tom Seaver. I was proud to be his teammate."
Another Met in the Baseball Hall of Fame, Mike Piazza, posted on social media, "He will always be the heart and soul of the Mets, the standard which all Mets aspire to."
Tom Seaver recorded 311 wins, 3,640 strikeouts, 61 shutouts and a 2.86 ERA during his 20-year career. Louis Requena/MLB Photos via Getty Images
Piazza, whose career did not overlap with Seavers', added: "This breaks my heart. Do not feel worthy to be mentioned in the same breath, yet honored to be with him in the Baseball Hall of Fame."
A star at the University of Southern California, Seaver was drafted by Atlanta in 1966 and signed with the Braves only for baseball commissioner William Eckert to void the deal because the Trojans already had played exhibition games that year; baseball rules at the time prohibited a club from signing a college player whose season had started. Any team willing to match the Braves' signing bonus could enter a lottery, and the Mets won out over Cleveland and Philadelphia.
Seaver, the 1967 Rookie of the Year, was selected to the All-Star Game 12 times, led the league in strikeouts five times and won three Cy Young Awards. He finished his career with 311 wins and 3,640 strikeouts.
He also pitched for the Cincinnati Reds and Chicago White Sox and finished his 20-year career with the Boston Red Sox in 1986. Seaver was a first-ballot Hall of Famer in 1992, receiving 98.8 percent of the vote.
Seaver's family says he will continue to work at Seaver Vineyards, founded by the retired player and his wife, Nancy, in 2002 on 116 acres at Diamond Mountain in the Calistoga region of California.



Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 1342 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1903.07 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.e.

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