Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1156 - Magic at Band Follies 1978 - the WOUND - Throwback Thursday for 1903.14 - a sense of doubt post #1484
Welcome to the weekly gallimaufry.
These pictures contain a mystery. They come from the Band Follies variety show that we put on at Gull Lake High School April 27-28 of 1978.
As you can see in the picture above, I sustained an injury when setting up my flash pot during a rehearsal. A flash pot is an explosive device used in a magical effect. The explosion is created by putting a pile of gunpowder in a wood block hollowed to form a basin with two poles connected to electrical wires and plugged into a socket. In this case, two nails have electrical wire connecting to a plug and cord with a switch. A thin wire is wound between the two poles, though the gun powder. When the electrical current flows -- because the switch is in the on position -- then the gun powder ignites and boom.
In setting up my rig, I was in a hurry or careless or distracted, I am not sure. I am 16 years old, just barely, so maybe that was the cause. In any case I am holding the flash pot in my left hand when I plugged it in, not realizing the switch was "on" and so, BOOM! I managed to drop the pot during the explosion and shield my face. But the explosion even burned my nose hairs and singed my eyebrows.
After the thing exploded on my hand, I did not realize I was burned. I just thought my hand was dirty, so I went to the bathroom to wash it. At first, it felt fine. But then when I took it out of the water, the pain struck. As long as I kept in water, it was tolerably painful but without the cooling water, the burn screamed.
Worse yet, this is 1978, no cell phones. But I get help, go to the office, try to call home, but NO ONE ANSWERS. My parents who rarely went anywhere or did anything at this time had taken my sister to Big Boy for dinner.
And so I drove myself home (remember, just turned 16) one-handed, suffering, hand in a waste basket filled with water, and it was still another 30-60 minutes later that they returned and took me to the hospital. Granted, I should have taken myself to the hospital, but I was SIXTEEN, kind of afraid to do that and I had no idea HOW to do it.
Here's the mystery. I am pretty sure the accident happened during a rehearsal leading up to the performance, which occurred over two days. But if that's true, then when was this picture below taken? It's clearly the same show as there's the flash pot in the lower left in both shots. But in the shot above, I have the bandage and in the shot below, I do not, and I am holding a wand in my right hand, which is hard to see.
Unless, the accident happened a week or more before the first show and then I took off the bandage after the first show. I really don't remember given that it happened forty years ago.
I have a picture of myself in the hospital somewhere, which I will post some other time.
This is last week's picture from February of 1978 and the House of Ing. I figured it was worth sharing again.
cool things...
and this
Here for this!!!! #Inclusion matters! Gaming culture is changing and it belongs to everyone. And clearly, based on sales, people want these stories. Deal. With. It. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Really enjoying #Uncagedanthology so far. #dnd #dmsguild #ttrpg pic.twitter.com/JZs1Q40Ojg— Mallory Dowd (@MalloryDowd) March 13, 2019
No vetting and copied bits this week, I am in a hurry.
The ACLU's Shameful Role in Promoting Antisemitism
By falsely portraying state anti-BDS laws as requiring "loyalty oaths," the ACLU is appealing to latent and blatant antisemitism.
Well, okay, some bits....
OAKLAND, Calif. -- Former President Barack Obama and Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry told a roomful of minority boys on Tuesday that they matter and urged them to make the world a better place.
Obama was in Oakland to mark the fifth anniversary of My Brother's Keeper, an initiative he started after the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The death of the African-American teen sparked protests over racial profiling.
The initiative was a call to communities to close opportunity gaps for minority boys, especially African-American, Latino and Native American boys, Obama said to roughly 100 boys attending the alliance's first national gathering. The My Brother's Keeper Alliance is part of the Obama Foundation.
Before Thursday's game, Jazz owner Gail Miller addressed the crowd to send a message to fans.
"I am extremely disappointed that one of our quote 'fans' conducted himself in such a way as to offend not only a guest in our arena, but also me personally, my family, our organization, the community, our players and you, as the best fans in the NBA," Miller said. "This should never happen. We are not a racist community. We believe in treating people with courtesy and respect as human beings. ... We have a code of conduct in this arena. It will be strictly enforced."
Video of Westbrook saying, "I'll f--- you up" to Keisel during the second quarter of Monday's game went viral after being posted on social media. Westbrook said after the game that it was an emotional reaction to Keisel telling him, "Get on your knees like you're used to," a comment Westbrook considered "completely disrespectful" and "racial."
The volatile, longstanding dispute between Portland Trail Blazers center Enes Kanter and Turkish government officials has added another chapter, this time in separate interviews conducted by E:60's Jeremy Schaap, with Kanter again comparing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to a dictator, and former NBA player Hedo Turkoglu, now a Turkish government official, accusing Kanter of abandoning his homeland to support a "terrorist."
This is a great video. Watch it. Share it.
A student recommended this -
Oh yeah you can get most if not all of them for 15 buck on Humble Bundle right now on computers, which is an amazing deal.
A new friend recommended the next two here:

Work desk with blog list
Reflect and connect.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.
I miss you so very much, Mom.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 1349 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1903.14 - 10:10
NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.
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