Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1941 - My analysis of "The Scarecrow" video

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1941 - My analysis of "The Scarecrow" video

Greetings writers!!

The "you" on this blog entry refers to student writers working in my English 101 class, and so when I refer to "your artifact," I mean the video or text that the student (you) has chosen to analyze for this assignment.

I shared this assignment on my blog already:

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1933 - ESSAY THREE RHETORICAL ANALYSIS
I made a follow up video to a class assignment discussion of the video "The Scarecrow" by Chipotle.

I had always intended to give you students some direction on how to analyze using this video with which we were practicing, and I missed my chance to write it in the discussion as I wished.

Watch it if you think you can learn to analyze better by watching me analyze and explain rhetorical analysis better.

I give valuable advice on the process of analysis.

The two greatest takeaways are to ask yourself HOW your artifact uses an appeal when you try to make a claim that it does.

Saying the Scarecrow is an example of how the video uses an appeal to pathos is NOT analysis.

In fact, a sentence like "this video uses a lot of pathos appeals" is useless sentence that tells the reader NOTHING about your analysis of the artifact.

Explaining HOW the portrayal of the Scarecrow SPECIFICALLY leverages an emotional appeal as pathos is ANALYSIS.


Watch me deconstruct the images and story elements in the video and then apply these lessons to your essay and the artifact you are analyzing.


Is this a def jam, yo?

And for once, students can see my messy office.

My comments in the video are not a structured analysis. They are meant to be more like an idea bank and a way to orient your mind in how rhetorical appeal work in an artifact along with very specific evidence for the HOW, talking about one specific shot/frame in the video, talking about the environment through which the character moves, or analyzing the meaning beyond the literal level for what the character sees, analyzing how these elements use rhetorical appeals to make their meaning.

The video does a good job with all three appeals as most artifacts will do.

I hope you enjoyed my video.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2006.11 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1805 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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