A Sense of Doubt blog post #1945 - Searching and REsearching - a guide to compiling a Working Bibliography for a college RESEARCH PAPER
You have selected a subject from the approved pitches. Now what?
How to take a broad subject -- like NANOTECHNOLOGY -- and begin SEARCHING and RESEARCHING.
Don't be like this guy:
A typical strategy for research paper writing looks like this:
- Get and read the assignment
- Choose a subject
- Wait until a few days before the assignment is due
- Madly search the Internet
- Write the paper the night before it's due
And so don't be like this guy either:

Let's think about how to accomplish these goals:
Also we're MINDFUL of
Ultimately making an argument with argument structure (Toulmin, Rogerrian)
Varied source forms - qualitative vs. quantitative, survey, interview, podcasts, videos and movies, among others.

- Peeks due 5/16 and 5/30
- Final grade given after 6/8
- Varies - see below
Additional instruction for this assignment, here:
not yet published
A Sense of Doubt blog post #1945 - Searching and REsearching - a guide to compiling a Working Bibliography for a college RESEARCH PAPER
and in the set of week three overview videos, here:
go to Canvas page with videos
Video #7 - 3 parts - WEEK TWO OVERVIEW
(can't link Canvas from here - added content below)
As shown in week three overview video pt. 1:
- Set up a Google document for your working bibliography using my template. Change the sharing permissions to “anyone with this link can view.” Copy that link. Add the link to our “Working Bibliography Discussion” labeled as “Your Name Working Bibliography.”
- Begin research as instructed today and as detailed in even more depth in part two week three overview video.
- There will be two peeks at your progress in weeks FOUR and SIX.
- The final version is due at the beginning of Week Eight (6/8).

- A WORKING BIBLIOGRAPHY is just that a work in progress. It’s the working document that shows your research process and the repository for sources you will use, sources you might use, and just in case sources.
- LENGTH: varies. It is not unheard of for working bibliographies to contain 50-60 sources or more. Remember this is not how many sources you will cite but how many sources you MAY cite. You must gather and evaluate many sources to find a “top ten” and then expand beyond ten sources if your subject and/or essay project warrants additional sources (often, it does).
- FORMAT EXPECTATIONS: as you work, you will format sources as MLA CITATIONS and write your annotations, which will appear in the ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY with the final draft of your project.
- FINAL FORM: In the final form, at least TEN sources are in MLA form and annotated. These are your TOP TEN best sources. In the end, ALL sources must be in MLA form with complete or partial annotations.

There are many ways to do this work. After reviewing the two MARBLE JAR videos, I shared with you:
A Sense of Doubt blog post #1816 - Writing a Research Paper - Marble Jar
Lara Hammock uses an Excel spreadsheet and mines quotes, data, and other information as she reads. I use a different method to incorporate source material called layering, which I will share in a future instructional video. Hammock also outlines before she starts researching. In a sense, my sort method is much like a working outline. You have to find the process that works best for you.
Following I detail my process:
As you search and research, you will accumulate many sources.
I start with broad investigations into WIKIPEDIA, using GOOGLE (adding an “and”), PROCON (if applicable), and TED talks to find the SCOPE and RANGE of my subject.
After only a little time on the INTERNET at large, I head into the library for the most serious and protracted search and research process: mining keywords and re-searching as I will explain in the instruction.
I tend to search and use my “dumping ground” for raw links of finished cites. Once I have enough but not too many, I begin to read the sources and sort. My goal here is to quickly determine how to sort my source. I apply the source type key to it. I format it in MLA if it isn’t already. I get some text in at least one of the three annotation categories. And then I place the source in my sorted list; sometimes a source will appear in both a topic category and a lens category. Doing this helps me think about both topics and the larger perspectives into which I will situate these sources.

WRITING: At some point, I begin writing the easy sections. If I know I have to define my subject, I often start with that content. If the subject has a rich history, I may begin to piece together what material I have on that history and how much of it I plan to share.
Research and writing flow together as a feedback loop and a dynamic process.
BEWARE researching for so long that you give your writing time short shrift.
BEWARE taking too much research time for writing and ultimately have to do a lot more research at the last minute because you only have seven sources.
Learning is fun. Or it can be fun, if you go into with the attitude of the QUIDNUNC, as I described on the first day of class.
I am as ever your humble servant and guide. Feel free to ask questions at any time in our questions forum or via private message if you do not feel that my answer would benefit the whole class or your question concerns grades.
In solidarity, safety, health, and wellness,
peace in our times,
-chris tower, LCC Lang&Lit faculty,
your friend in learning
“Always look on the bright side”
RESEARCH: The Backbone of academic writing
A Sense of Doubt blog post #1808 - How to Plan and Write a Paper for English Class
A Sense of Doubt blog post #1810 - ENGLISH 102 subjects and narrowing - questions
A Sense of Doubt blog post #1798 - 102 stuff, lumen, Toulmin Model. etc.
Me researching:


Greetings writers!!
Today, I am making three videos for easier to digest chunks. I am still calling it video seven even though it’s three videos all together.
And I am making a change.
I am concerned about the low number of views on my videos. I want you all to get the full value of “class.” And so, with some of the videos (not all), I am creating assignments for you to complete. To get the points, you will upload the notes taken while viewing the video along with a secret word that I divulge during the video.
For this work, there are three videos, but please combine the notes in ONE word-formatted document that you load to the assignment by the due date. Work is simply complete/incomplete and worth 20 pts.
Please place the secret word[s] at the top of the notes document clearly labeled.
Label all notes with the video from which they were taken.
Having some fun now, aren’t we? :-)
- pitch review and advice
- syllabus review
- modules review
- extra credit
- research notebook
- working bibliography
- Let’s have a great week and quarter!!
- show blog making and proper links
- then show putting links in discussion
- show edit in discussion
- show Google Drive
- show getting link for ANYONE
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1173 (SoD #1582) - Exam Day - Throwback Thursday 1906.20

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2006.15 - 10:10
- Days ago = 1809 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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