Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2975 - Merry Crisis and Happy New Fear - CrimethInc Newsletters

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2975  - Merry Crisis and Happy New Fear  - CrimethInc Newsletters

I have been a fan of CrimethInc since my good friend Ryan Walters lent me a copy of Days of War, Nights of Love until  I bought my own copy.

For years, I have been meaning to do a series from the book on the blog, and so maybe this is the year as I hope to tackle two-three other books in the near future.

For now, a quick share, because I am busy preparing my presentation on banned books. More on that in tomorrow's post.

This is some good reading, though.

Love it.

Thanks for tuning in.


friends, lovers, (ex-)workers, comrades!

As the Greeks say, Merry Crisis and a Happy New Fear!

2022 was a hell of a year for us. Between recovering from a catastrophic fire at our mail-order space last winter and fighting back after Elon Musk personally banned us from Twitter last November, we continued to publish, record, speak, and agitate on many fronts.

In this update, we’ll review some of what we did in 2022 and reveal some of what we’re planning for 2023.

Highlights from the year

Anarchism, as we see it, is a struggle for freedom against all forms of hierarchy and domination, which cannot be confined to a single issue or terrain. Here are some of the highlights of our efforts this year:

  • At the intersection of anti-police and ecological struggles, we've been inspired by the campaign to defend the Atlanta forest against Cop City and Hollywood, publishing a detailed history of the first phase of the struggle and inspiring accounts from the front lines. Last month, police carried out a massive raid, destroying community infrastructure in the forest and bringing trumped-up charges against six young people for their alleged participation in the struggle to defend it. There is a call for a weekend of solidarity January 13 to 16.

  • Against the rising tide of gender fascism and the repression of trans and queer communities, we published a poster and strategic proposal around reproductive freedom and an analysis and DIY guide towards gender self-determination.

  • Internationally, we devoted considerable time and energy to communicating with comrades in the former Soviet Union in order to cover the Russian state's invasion of Ukraine. Before the war, we reported on the uprising in Kazakhstan, a hint of the tremendous pressure that people throughout the region have already been under. Then, we published analysis from Ukrainian anarchists and the Russian anti-war movement. Check out the Ex-Worker Podcast's audio coverage, too.

And that's just a sampling of our efforts! Check out our 2022 Year in Review, which lays out a full account of what we've been up to and folds it into a broader analysis of the political context from the past year. Stay tuned for an audio version shortly!

Of course, the big story for us at the end of 2022 was our expulsion from Twitter, part of a broader shift that heralds the end of social media as we've known it. Elon Musk and the outright fascists who have his ear are doing their worst to eliminate voices of dissent while welcoming back neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, and other racists to the platform in droves. They aim to silence radical voices, shift global political discourse to the right, andin gaining control of one of the venues that shapes public opinionposition themselves to make more money off a stock market that responds to it. Since we got the boot in November, many other prominent anarchist and radical accounts have followed, including our friends at It's Going Down, not to mention various journalists and critics of Elon Musk.

Yet so far, their plans have backfired. Last year, Musk became the first person in history to lose $200 billion; this week, he lost another $50 billion. He lost a vote of confidence among Twitter users, who are deserting the platform in droves. Hopefully, other aspiring tyrants will take note of his misfortunes and those of his fellow far-right billionaire, Donald Trump, and think twice before attempting to emulate them.

Meanwhile, since we've been banned from Twitter, we've actually seen more people reading our articles and accessing our materials. Our friends who haven't been kicked off yet can still share linksand you can too, if you haven't joined the mass exodus yet! In the meantime, we're branching out in several directions.

First of all, for those of you who are more digitally connected, we'd like to invite you to join us on Mastodon, a decentralized, open-source social media alternative to the profit-driven corporate surveillance capitalism nightmare of Twitter, Facebook, and the like. On there, you can find all of our new articles, plus commentary on current events, reports from international struggles, explorations of anarchist history, recipes for do-it-yourself skills and mutual aidcalls to action that you can plug into, announcements for our public events, and more.

You can also find us on TelegramKolectiva, and beyond. We'll keep updating the links on our homepage with all of the accounts we've got.

We continue to mail out packages of books, posters, and stickers. Speaking of stickers, we've printed several new ones, which we're including in orders. You can see pictures of some of those in this email.

If you prefer to show up in person, we love that, too! We've already got an array of book fairs on our agenda for 2023. Please drop us a line if you know of other public events where you'd like to see us.

We wrapped up 2022 by doing some presentations in the UK, speaking with folks in London and Edinburgh about the newly released book Smash the System: Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance, to which we contributed the foreword. We just kicked off the new year with a talk in Newcastle upon Tyne on January 3, looking back on our book, Work, a decade after its publication.

If you prefer to take in your radical ideas in an audio format, we have great news for you! We're excited to announce the formation of our audio affinity group, in which folks from our Ex-Worker and Hotwire podcasts are teaming up with new comrades to take our audio coverage to the next level. Starting this month, we're planning to make audio versions of every article we publish. To keep up with these, subscribe to our podcast feed here.

We intend to publish new audio material on YouTube, Soundcloud, and Spotify, toostay tuned for links as we get those channels up and running. Thanks to all of you who wrote us in response to our last newsletter volunteering to help! We're still welcoming folks who've got recording or audio experience to reach out, if you want to contribute.

We'll leave you with the words from our Mastodon post for the new year:

At the conclusion of 2022, we honor all those who have risked their lives and freedom to strive for a world without war, oppression, or exploitationin Iran and Sri Lanka, in Russia and Ukraine, in Sudan and everywhere else around the planet.

Our hearts go out to the imprisoned, to those enduring grueling impoverishment while billionaires accumulate fortunes at others' expense, to everyone who has lost a loved one to state violence, racist or anti-Semitic attacks, environmental disasters intensified by climate change, or the pandemic.

In 2023, we will continue to do our best to contribute to movements for the liberation of all humanity and the dignity of all living things.

All the best in your adventures. May they intersect with ours.
For a free worldfor anarchy.

with love and in struggle,

Your comrades in the CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2304.11 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2839 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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