Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2989 - Tucker Carlson Fired! Will the Most Racist Hour No Longer be the Most Racist?

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2989 - Tucker Carlson Fired! Will the Most Racist Hour No Longer be the Most Racist?

I cannot even tell you how happy this news makes me.

This post both the "Things I Like" category because "Yay!! Racist, homophobic asshole is fired!" and "Things that Piss Me Off" because this racist POS has been pissing me off for years as he made his hour of Fox News the 


Fuck this, guy.

I mean I really cannot be too vulgar and offensive about my level of hate for this douche-bag, even though I am not a fan of hate.

So, this happened.

Yes, we can have nice things.

Yes, we can.

And though I hate it when conservative wanks celebrate making liberals cry their liberal tears, I feel a little turnabout is warranted given how dangerous and horrible Tucker Carlson has been.

Soon, I will return to trying to be reasonable and not wanting to widen divisions with making conservatives cry conservative tears.

But fuck...

Carlson was a tool of the Russian Propaganda machine that fixed the 2016 election for Trump, tried to fix the 2020 election and failed, and wanted to continue to widen American divisions for it own heinous purposes, like mustering U.S. support FOR its war on Ukraine or just against U.S. aid to Ukraine.

Carlson was homophobic AF.

As this first news report will remind, he bragged ON AIR about beating up a gay man in a bathroom.

Fuck off, asshole.

And then all the racist sewage that vomited out of his mouth nightly. And not just his attempts to rewrite what the White Supremacist hit squad did on January 6th, 2021 in Washing D.C. but all his replacement theory BS, CRT vilification, and support for all kinds of inhumanity.

Fuck off, asshole.

I doubt Fox fired this POS because of his hateful rhetoric.

I doubt it was even because his secret texts that were revealed in the Dominion case proved that he hates Trump passionately.

I am sure it was more about his criticisms of the Fox executives and owners in those revealed texts.

Don't overreact that Fox had an African American news anchor fill in his slot and announce his firing on air.

I am not ready to give the rest of Fox News a pass on inflaming the haters and violent extremists.

I doubt Fox will suddenly find journalistic integrity or even fair, balanced reporting.

Still, one win is worth a little celebrating.

Off to open some champagne.

Thanks for tuning in.

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I do.

Guess Tucker's Last Lie To His Viewers Was 'We'll Be Back On Monday'

Hard day for fans of overly processed loser white conservative dude country music today, you know? Morgan Wallen canceled his concert in Oxford, Mississippi, last night at the very last minute, when fans were already all at the stadium, because he "lost his voice," and also WTF TUCKER CARLSON JUST LOST HIS SHOW?


Here is the press release from Fox News. This is all they had to say:

That is fairly brief!

FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.

Mr. Carlson's last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.

Wow. He doesn't even get to say goodbye on his own terms. He is just summarily kicked out the fuckin' door. Thoughts and prayers and so forth!

So long, easily the top rated Fox News host since forever!

Here is Harris Faulkner announcing the news acting like she's about to express human feelings LMAO:

Apparently they aired an ad for his show just before that announcement from Faulkner. That's how sudden.

Here's Charlie Kirk looking and sounding like he's legit gonna cry LOL:

We honestly have no idea what to say about this. It certainly does feel like some other shoe is about to drop, though, and that it's not just about that big Dominion settlement. In these situations, people always start making jokes like "Dead girl? Live boy?" We would also add "impending presidential announcement?" Or also just the possibility that some of these other lawsuits coming down the pike were about to get REAL fuckin' bad for Tuckerlandia, specifically the one from former producer Abby Grossberg?

We will have to wait and find out, we legit do not know, but trust us, we are refreshing our Twitter every five seconds and remembering the olden days when Twitter was a good source for breaking news information.

Speaking of, here are apparently the last words Tucker said to his viewers. As Aaron Rupar notes, he sure doesn't sound like he knows he's not coming back Monday.

Is this because he hates Donald Trump so "passionately?"

And does Vladimir Putin know he's just lost his biggest American mouthpiece and has Russian state TV started covering it like the Queen's funeral?

Anyway, we are just beginning to process this. Tucker took the 8 p.m. timeslot at Fox News to new white supremacist heights previously unthinkable, and that's why America's most dedicated white supremacists loved him so much. He was at it on Friday night, talking about DEMOGRAPHIC INVASIONS IN THE SUBURBS AIYEEEEEEE!

He made the vile white supremacist "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory a thing we all had to learn about. Media Matters has a great timeline of Tucker's "descent into white supremacy," tracing all the way back to 2004.

We've already alluded to how he was Putin's most reliable fluffer on American airwaves. It's not an exaggeration to say the most influential American cheerleader for Russia's genocidal war against Ukraine is now off the airwaves. That was happening as he was also devoting ever more time to inciting hatred against LGBTQ+ people.

Last week, he let Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regurgitate back into his mouth Russian propaganda and disinformation he had personally been spreading the week before. He was really escalating his rhetoric about trans people, in really sick and scary ways.

The constant defenses of the January 6 terrorists.

The constantCOVID vaccine denialism.

Related to all those things, we are sure, but also it's worth mentioning on its own, but Tucker's masculinity issues are immense.

Who will keep us informed about the current fuckability status of the different M&Ms?

We'll have much more to say in the coming days, we are sure.

In the meantime, in summary and in conclusion:

And also in summary and in conclusion, Brendan Karet from Media Matters dug this gem up:

Dang, we do not even know what to say.

Besides hey Tucker, you fuckin' weirdo, why don't you go fuck yourself, you trashy, shame-filled piece of shit?

You know, just for old times' sake, AWWWWW.

Also, remember that time Tucker bragged about beating up a gay dude in the bathroom?

Fuckin' creep.

Oh also Don Lemon got fired today but we dunno what to say about that either, the end.

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Tucker Carlson Finally Managed To Do Something So Filthy It Squicked Out Rupert Murdoch

Less than a week after Fox News agreed to write Dominion Voting Systems a $787.5 million check to settle its defamation claims, the network unceremoniously kicked Tucker Carlson to the curb. Looks like he'll be tanning his testicles in the private sector for the immediate future.

An anxious nation demands to know WHY GOD, WHY!

Well, not really. Mostly we're just laughing our asses off. But, with several hours left of work before we can uncork celebratory libations, we're ready to move from the WOOHOO!!! phase to wondering exactly what went down here. The Washington Post reports that Tucker was done in by his mean texts about management revealed in the Dominion litigation.

“Do the executives understand how much credibility and trust we’ve lost with our audience?” Carlson complained when the network called the election for Biden, adding in another message. “Those fuckers are destroying our credibility.”

Tucker's group texts with Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham show the three complaining about the news side, contemplating staging a group walkout and breach of contract suit, and scheming to get a younger reporter fired for fact-checking election fraud claims.

But you can color us skeptical that he got called in this morning and bounced because of his mean DMs. Fox's management has known about that stuff for months, and they still let him book Vivek Ramamswamy to appear on tonight's show.

So let's take a wildass guess that terminating Carlson and his producer Justin Wells had something to do with the two lawsuits and an EEOC complaint filed by Abby Grossberg, a former producer for both Carlson and Maria Bartiromo.

In March, Grossberg sued Fox and various employees, including Carlson and Wells, for multiple different kinds of employment discrimination. In the complaint, which was filed in federal court in New York, she alleged that the network systematically deprived her and Bartiromo of staff and support that they gave to male colleagues. But when she moved over to work on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” (TCT), she encountered a fratbro environment that would give any HR exec the vapors.

On September 5, 2022, Ms. Grossberg’s first full day on the TCT team, she was shocked to be greeted by many large and blown-up photographs of Nancy Pelosi in a plunging bathing suit revealing her cleavage. The images were plastered onto her computer and elsewhere throughout the office. Apparently, the “joke” was that Speaker Pelosi looked terrible in a bathing suit.

The next day, she was asked if her former boss was "fucking Kevin McCarthy?"

Grossberg, who is Jewish, resented comments from senior producer Alexander McCaskill about the "Jew bakery" and suggestions that the team deserved an inclusion award for employing an Israeli Jew.

Women were also consistently demeaned by staff:

Mr. Wells and Mr. McCaskill often remarked that Lexi Ciccone, a TCT Booker who reported to Ms. Grossberg, should use her sex appeal to the TCT team’s advantage, such as by “sleep[ing] with Elon Musk to get [an] interview” and that she could be his “next wife.” Ms. Ciccone herself, likely feeling as if she needed to “fit in” and add commentary matching her misogynist work environment, would respond that men “masturbated” to her.

Grossberg says that Fox's lawyers bullied her into giving false and misleading testimony in the Dominion suit, and those claims play a more central role in her second complaint, which was filed in Delaware state court. In that suit, Grossberg alleges that Fox defamed her by making her look incompetent so as to protect network executives and hosts who aired false claims about Dominion. She also charges Fox et al with fraudulent inducement and taking part in a civil conspiracy to coerce her give false testimony and then block her from correcting the deposition transcript as she was entitled to under Delaware rules of civil procedure. She attached a list of proposed amendments to her complaint, many of which are contextualized thusly:

Impermissible coaching and coercion by Fox attorneys.

Based on what I understood and took away from the deposition preparation sessions I had with Fox's legal team, which were coercive and intimidating, I felt that I needed to avoid mentioning or elaborating upon any other colleagues involved in any way. so as not to become the "star witness" for Dominion and seriously jeopardize my career at Fox News and be subjected to worse terms and conditions of employment than offered to male employees as I | understood it.

All of which is BAD. But she goes on to add some pretty damning stuff about Carlson himself. For instance, she alleges that Carlson arranged with Fox executives and House Republicans to use security footage from January 6 to undermine the premise that the Capitol Riot was perpetrated by Trump supporters — and in so doing to downplay the network's role in convincing people that the election was stolen.

She further describes Carlson trying to find someone to falsely claim that the ongoing Proud Boys trial is “taking forever” because the “Biden Administration is trying to hide the huge number of FBI spies it had placed in the group.” And he didn't care that it wasn't true.

As Head of Booking, Ms. Grossberg was twice directed to reach out to Dan Hull, one of the defense attorneys representing the Proud Boys, who indicated to her that he was available to come on to the TCT show as a guest but emphatically denied Mr. Carlson’s theory. Instead, Mr. Hull insisted that “no one made my client go up the hill. The Proud Boys wanted to,” and the FBI angle Mr. Carlson sought to peddle was “on the conspiracy side.” When Ms. Grossberg relayed Mr. Hull’s message to Tom Fox, a Senior Producer for TCT and her superior, he blithely replied “That doesn’t fit with what Tucker is looking for. You’ll have to find someone else who will say that.” Ms. Grossberg was told to ask Mr. Hull yet again if he would reconsider, to which Mr. Hull replied, “Please just tell [Tucker], if I get on the show, I will walk out if he asks about the FBI setting it up. […] Blaming the FBI for Jan 45 6th doesn’t cut it.” Mr. Carlson then requested that Ms. Grossberg investigate whether any other defense attorneys, including Steven Metcalf, would tout the conspiracy on air.

In fact, as we are typing, the LA Times has confirmed that the decision to oust Carlson came directly from Fox Corp Chair Rupert Murdoch and was occasioned in part by Carlson's coverage of the January 6 attack.

So, let's go out on a limb and say it was all of the above. And while there's no doubt that Carlson will land on his feet, let's just savor this beautiful moment, where one of the nation's most dangerous, virulent racists lost his megaphone.


[WaPo / LA Times / Grossberg v. Fox, federal docket via Court Listener / Grossberg v. Fox, Delaware Complaint]

Catch Liz Dye on Opening Arguments podcast.

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Wonkette writer Evan Hurst collected all of hits in Tucker Carlson's Book of SHAME.

Glenn Greenwald Misses His Friend Tucker, Glenn Loves His Friend, YOU DON'T KNOW HIM LIKE GLENN KNOWS HIM!

GFY! In 2022, Tucker Blazed New Trails For Putin's Propaganda And Incited New Levels Of Anti-LGBTQ+ Hatred

SINGLE TEAR EMOJI: Here's Tucker Declaring Flawless Victory Over M&Ms That Stole All His Boners, Good Morning

LOOK AT THIS POS. Tucker Just Saying Trans People Going To GET ALL THE GUNS AND MURDER YOU

GOODNIGHT. Surprise, Tucker Using Colorado Springs Gay Club Massacre To Incite More Anti-LGBT Hatred

DON'T LET DOOR HIT YOU IN ASS! Tucker Reveals Ashli Babbitt Just Girl Scout Selling Thin Mints At Wrong House

GTFO! Vile And Unrepentant Tucker Carlson Now Telling Your Nana COVID Vaccines Kill

BUH-BYE! Tucker Carlson *Strangely Insistent* All Fox Viewers Are Domestic Terrorists!

SEE YA SUCKER! David Duke Thanks Tucker Carlson For Spreading 'Great Replacement' Lie

IN MEMORIAM: Oh Lordy They Have Tucker Carlson's Texts


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2304.25 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2853 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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