A Sense of Doubt blog post #2978 - Playing Dominion Tonight (again) and a REPRINT of the last time I played Dominion
I am playing Dominion again, but now, I own the game.
Last time I played was before we left Michigan, one of my final nights at St. Antoine Street. About 11:30 (I was up past midnight, which is a rare thing), Satchel came into the living room and screamed "BED TIME!!!" at me psychically and that was after multiple "Hey Dad, when are we going to bed?" and "Hey Dad, are we going to bed NOW?" and so on. The Satchel Boo is very fixated on the schedule and the routine.
I did not get this entry posted before we played, so I can recap a bit as it's the next morning.
It was great fun. I had four friend over, but despite what I read online, we did not have enough base cards for a five player game, so Danielle joined with Sarah and played against David, Ian, and I. We all had a lot of fun.
Guests arrived between 5-5:30. I made goulash, salad, and broccoli. We ate and played seemed to like my food.
Then we played with just the original, base game (no expansions) for two hours, about 6-8 p.m.
David won with the good strategy of buying money and then victory cards. That works. Next time I play, I need to balance better and get more money as that's the whole point of Kingdom cards that give me more actions and more buys and extra money in a turn. I did win the action game. At times, I played 6-7 actions and cycled through a dozen or more cards between discards, plays, and trashing.
People liked Dominion and want to do with again. Yay!! SUCCESS.
Now, I also have to hook them on COSMIC ENCOUNTERS. :-)
It just feels healthy to work less and have some selfcare time. The rest of the weekend I hope to balance work and selfcare. I am meeting my father-in-law for lunch later on, so off to work now.
Here's the rest of my content.
Now, I also have to hook them on COSMIC ENCOUNTERS. :-)
It just feels healthy to work less and have some selfcare time. The rest of the weekend I hope to balance work and selfcare. I am meeting my father-in-law for lunch later on, so off to work now.
Here's the rest of my content.
Thanks for tuning in.
How to play Dominion with 5-6 players
This is someone posting to the Dominion subreddit who was preparing to play with every set.

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #609 - Playing Dominion Tonight
Hey Mom,
So, I am having some boys over tonight for a play date. We're playing Dominion. I almost bought a copy of it the other day but I was talked out of it by a person who should WANT to sell me the game. "Play it first."
I have never played Dominion before, so I decided to read up on the rules. It looks fun. I am excited.
This is my second of three gaming activities to make the best use of spring break. I would tag this with #VacationHard as I did back over Christmas break, but I am not really on vacation. Both of my other online schools are running full speed. One of them finishes this week, and so I have final grades due a week from today. The other will finish the week after with final grades to follow. Plus, I am committed to doing Calculus, so it's hardly a total break. But Liesel is in England, and so I have some freedom as to be able to have guests over when we would all not disturb her.
So, Sunday was D&D (technically Pathfinder but how many of you, including you, Mom, know the difference?) and Friday will be Magic the Gathering. IF Liesel stays through and comes back Sunday instead of Saturday, I may try to throw together an Elder Sign party for Saturday night. We'll see how work and taxes goes by then. I am supposed to put work in on the taxes, so Elder Sign may wait for when school lets out or when I go to PENGUIN CON at the end of April.
Tonight's gaming doesn't even start until 20:30 hours, which is a time when I have almost always been in bed lately and in some cases ASLEEP. So, I am drinking some cold brew coffee I made last night soon.
Remember this - HEY MOM #560.
For more on the importance of coffee, see my coffee category.
Then there was this ...
So it's been a day.
Looking forward to games.
Time to study some rules.
Hey, so I found two cool sites, but I saved one as rss on my feed reader. Had I found the "women write about comics" site? If not, I have now.
And this board game geek site looks cool, too.
RULES - http://www.ultradominion.com/game-rules.php
The point of the game is to get more Victory points than your opponents before one stack of victory points cards runs out. You do this by collecting three types of cards: Action, Treasure, and Victory. Action cards grant you certain abilities, and get placed in your hand to be used during later rounds, Treasure cards are money, and Victory cards give you points to win the game. The whole point is to get as many points and exert your dominion over the land. Get it?What is this game, you ask? Dominion! The name sounds really intimidating and if you judge by my boyfriend’s card collection, with all the expansion packs and toolbox-turned-carrying-case, it looks that way. But in reality it’s quick easy to pick up.hab
Once you’ve laid out your Action card and noted if there are any bonuses associated with it, you can buy cards from the center rows. The cards list how much treasure they cost and when you buy them they go into your cleanup or discard pile. Action or Treasure cards that you buy can’t be used in that round, but rather you have to wait until they get reshuffled back into your hand.So now you’ve heard of the three phases to each turn: action, buy, cleanup. You can remember them if you can remember your ABCs…which is something I’m assuming we all have down pat. First you take your Action cards that you have bought in a previous round and lay one down. Generally each round you get one Action and one Buy, but some cards, like the village card, grant you more of these. A village card gives you another card and the ability to lay down more two action cards. Cards like these are really great because you can get a string of moves going and make a lot of treasure each round.
How to play Dominion with 5-6 players
11+ Best Dominion Expansions in 2021 [Ranked]
Dominion Rules (second edition - 2.78) - PDF FILE
Dominion RULES - web based
Dominion Rules (second edition - 2.78) - PDF FILE
Dominion RULES - web based
Complete Rules for Dominion and All Its Expansions
This is someone posting to the Dominion subreddit who was preparing to play with every set.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #609 - Playing Dominion Tonight
Hey Mom,
So, I am having some boys over tonight for a play date. We're playing Dominion. I almost bought a copy of it the other day but I was talked out of it by a person who should WANT to sell me the game. "Play it first."
I have never played Dominion before, so I decided to read up on the rules. It looks fun. I am excited.
This is my second of three gaming activities to make the best use of spring break. I would tag this with #VacationHard as I did back over Christmas break, but I am not really on vacation. Both of my other online schools are running full speed. One of them finishes this week, and so I have final grades due a week from today. The other will finish the week after with final grades to follow. Plus, I am committed to doing Calculus, so it's hardly a total break. But Liesel is in England, and so I have some freedom as to be able to have guests over when we would all not disturb her.
So, Sunday was D&D (technically Pathfinder but how many of you, including you, Mom, know the difference?) and Friday will be Magic the Gathering. IF Liesel stays through and comes back Sunday instead of Saturday, I may try to throw together an Elder Sign party for Saturday night. We'll see how work and taxes goes by then. I am supposed to put work in on the taxes, so Elder Sign may wait for when school lets out or when I go to PENGUIN CON at the end of April.
Tonight's gaming doesn't even start until 20:30 hours, which is a time when I have almost always been in bed lately and in some cases ASLEEP. So, I am drinking some cold brew coffee I made last night soon.
Remember this - HEY MOM #560.
For more on the importance of coffee, see my coffee category.
Then there was this ...
So it's been a day.
Looking forward to games.
Time to study some rules.
Hey, so I found two cool sites, but I saved one as rss on my feed reader. Had I found the "women write about comics" site? If not, I have now.
And this board game geek site looks cool, too.
RULES - http://www.ultradominion.com/game-rules.php
Dominion: Have Fun Almost Immediately
It’s such a relief to play a game and have fun almost immediately. It got a little heavy in the Dice Vice column last month and while that’s definitely ok, I’m glad that this month’s game was easy and quick. Though I must say that it is hilarious to me how excited I was to pick up on the game so easily. The rules took only about 10 minutes to explain and I understood those rules almost immediately? This is what heaven feels like, my friends.
The point of the game is to get more Victory points than your opponents before one stack of victory points cards runs out. You do this by collecting three types of cards: Action, Treasure, and Victory. Action cards grant you certain abilities, and get placed in your hand to be used during later rounds, Treasure cards are money, and Victory cards give you points to win the game. The whole point is to get as many points and exert your dominion over the land. Get it?What is this game, you ask? Dominion! The name sounds really intimidating and if you judge by my boyfriend’s card collection, with all the expansion packs and toolbox-turned-carrying-case, it looks that way. But in reality it’s quick easy to pick up.hab
For a two player game, each player starts with three Victory cards, and five Treasure cards; the amount of cards differ if more people are playing. These cards will be your base hand for the game. As it continues you’ll add Action cards, and more Treasure and Victory cards into your hand. Each round you deal out five cards and use them to take actions, buy more cards, and then discard or cleanup. Then you deal out five more cards; you shuffle the discards back into your hand when you need more cards.
Once you’ve laid out your Action card and noted if there are any bonuses associated with it, you can buy cards from the center rows. The cards list how much treasure they cost and when you buy them they go into your cleanup or discard pile. Action or Treasure cards that you buy can’t be used in that round, but rather you have to wait until they get reshuffled back into your hand.So now you’ve heard of the three phases to each turn: action, buy, cleanup. You can remember them if you can remember your ABCs…which is something I’m assuming we all have down pat. First you take your Action cards that you have bought in a previous round and lay one down. Generally each round you get one Action and one Buy, but some cards, like the village card, grant you more of these. A village card gives you another card and the ability to lay down more two action cards. Cards like these are really great because you can get a string of moves going and make a lot of treasure each round.
The final type of card that you can buy during the Buy phase are the Victory cards. These cards do nothing for you other than to give you Victory points at the end, so while you need to have them you may not want to start buying them early. They don’t help you at all during the Action or Buy phases; they’re just nothing cards in your hand. Plus the Province cards cost eight treasure and since you only have five cards in your hand, it may take a bit to get there.
I really enjoyed this game and while laying it all out here makes it seem slightly more complicated, it’s not hard to follow along. I did really feel like I needed a win this month in my board gaming so it was great to play this game. 2-4 people can play and while you are certainly competing to win, there’s not a ton of interaction between the players. A few cards, like the Militia Action card, allow you to “attack” the other player by making her or him discard three cards from their hand but mostly each player is on her own. Setup, rules, and game play probably took a grand total of an hour. An hour! The Game from Hell aka Terra Mystica took three times that and made me cry a little.Once the Province cards are all gone, the game ends. All players count up their Victory point cards and the person with the most points wins!
Dominion was a nice change from a super complex game. If you’re looking for a fun, easy to learn game, check this one want. It probably won’t make you cry—isn’t that truly all we want in a game?
Reflect and connect.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.
I miss you so very much, Mom.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 611 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1703.07 - 10:10
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2304.14 - 10:10
- Days ago = 2842 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
- Days ago = 2842 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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