Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #971 - Generations - xkcd

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #971 - Generations - xkcd

Hi Mom,

I am having a major re-lapse of this plague that I have been fighting for the last two weeks. I started an anti-biotic, so that kicked the recovery into overdrive and knocked me out for most of the day. I could just barely get a minimal amount of work done before I crashed.

However, not only did I locate the missing volumes of the Revival graphic novel, but I read the last volume. It was a very satisfying ending!

But for now, as I recover, some of the more original content I have in the works is stalled while I get work done and build strength, so please enjoy this new and quite needed xkcd comic. We need these names for the generations, and...


Thank you to David Brin, whose Twitter (Brin Twitter) I just let through to my phone as direct texts, something I limit quite strictly so not to get overwhelmed, except when Scalzi goes on a rampage!

In fact, given my health and well being, Mom, and readers, you might get Brin's latest column tomorrow instead of original content. I have started reading Brin's blog regularly, and I like it.

Permanent link to this comic: https://xkcd.com/1962/


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 973 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1803.03 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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