Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2244 - PATRIOTISM IS THE RELIGION OF HELL - Don't Carry a Flag Flat - Weekly Hodge Podge for 2104.10

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2244 - PATRIOTISM IS THE RELIGION OF HELL - Don't Carry a Flag Flat - Weekly Hodge Podge for 2104.10

I know, I know. Come at me, bro.

My WEEKLY HODGE PODGE offerings have become extremely lame.

The goal of the pages is to show that I am reading a wide variety of content, finding cool videos, memes, Twitter messages, images, and stirring the pot in a HODGE PODGE of stew. Or focusing laser sharp on the issue before us, such as the MURDER OF GEORGE FLOYD or the scam of ELECTION FRAUD or THE PANDEMIC.

This worked great when I was spending longer mornings reading things, which started during the early months of the PANDEMIC when there were no SPORTS.

But now basketball and Baseball are concurrent and that's chunk of my morning looking at box scores for both sports and going through my fantasy games in both.

And themes seem harder to come by.

I am tired of the same TRUMP IS AN ASSHOLE theme because that's played out and at least 80 million Americans get it.

Also, the whole GOP ASSWIPES is a played out track as well. Even Trump has had it with McConnell's shit, which shows you how bad it is.

Matt Gaetz? Okay, I have some stuff on that because it's gross, but CONGRESS doesn't even have the integrity to oust MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE after she agreed that certain now colleagues -- Nancy Pelosi -- should be assassinated.

Was it like this in the 1920s when things were really bonkers?

The best I can do here is PragerU's bullshit Patriotism (read: JINGOISM) as a kind of reverent religion. But then that connects to the short story I am writing, which is where I should put my time.

Still, I think there's value here, and these posts get good numbers, probably because of all my hash tags.

But then, as I type the above, I find this here below. MUCH more content now. BEWARE FANATICAL PATRIOTISM (ie. JINGOISM).

He's cleared to fold a flag, then!

"PragerU," the rightwing culture war factory started by former radio talk show host and moral scold Dennis Prager, has done a bang-up job of feeding misinformation on history and politics to Donald Trump's favorite demographic, the poorly educated. Through five-minute history distortion videos that claim Democrats Did The KKK And History Ended in 1964 or There Was No Southern Strategy, PragerU has already done a great job of spreading a lot of hooey online. If somebody who's terribly wrong about something insists they've "done [their] own research," that almost certainly means they've watched a lot of PragerU videos online.

As the American Prospect reports, PragerU's tendentious videos have been making their way to high school classes, especially as easy-to-find filler during the pandemic. It made national headlines last fall when an Ohio parent complained that her daughter's history teacher had been assigning the videos in class, but American Prospect's Amelia Pollard notes that high school students regularly complain on social media about teachers using PragerU videos as if they were reliable educational materials. Of the several high schoolers Pollard interviewed, all said they recognized the political slant of the videos being pushed by their teachers, but none of the kids were "comfortable confronting their teachers or school administrators" about the vids, because why piss off the rightwinger who could give you a bad grade?

See, the wingnuts are right! Teachers are pushing a political agenda, and students with different views are afraid to say anything about it.

And now, PragerU has started cranking out materials directly aimed at elementary and high school students as well, including videos for kindergarteners. Pollard notes that while the videos aimed at younger viewers "aren't as overtly political as PragerU's typical five-minute videos for adults, they are still suffused with right-wing propaganda." Here's a fun video for teens on how to respect the American flag; its instructions on how to properly fold the flag into a triangle explains it's a two-person job, so you need to make sure the person helping you isn't a communist.

It's even reasonably funny, sorta-kinda, with a dumb-guy narrator explaining things you shouldn't do with flags, as two guys demonstrate with a fake flag. Like don't carry it flat, or use a flag to hold things "like Care Bears."

No, there's no explanation of why one of the guys demonstrating what not to do is also holding a handgun prop. Maybe they originally made a joke about false flag mass shootings and edited it out?

The video ends with the teen host cheerfully suggesting, "Now that you know how to handle your flag, go do something patriotic, like converting your communist friends. And buying them a flag." If this happens in North Carolina, presumably teachers will have to show pro-communist videos too?

The video and other materials targeted at kids are the fruit of PragerU's newest hustle, a project called "PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents" or PREP. Now any kid can be in PREP school, or at the very least they can elicit funny looks from people who think they're taking Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis meds to prevent getting HIV. PragerU should maybe have checked out other meanings of the abbreviation, we think.

The PREP program is aimed at countering "left-wing indoctrination" in public schools, by "teaching our youth about America's blessings and limitless opportunities," and downplaying anything else in American history or politics as the aforesaid leftwing indoctrination. The stuff for younger viewers probably doesn't warn them to hector their communist classmates, but it still pushes what a great place America is, says Pollard:

For kindergarten through second grade, one of the new educational segments is a "storytime" that "celebrates American values of freedom, individuality, hard work, equality under God and more," starring the head of outreach for PREP, Jill Simonian, and a mascot named Otto, modeled on the bulldog of the organization's founder, Dennis Prager.

Also, yes, there really is someone in a bulldog costume, so wouldn't be fantastic if PragerU inadvertently inspired some kids to become Furries?

For the very youngest younglings, PragerU's PREP is putting together a series of arts-n-crafts videos it's calling "Craftory," a portmanteau of "crafting" and "history." Pollard notes the only one available so far is pretty light on history; instead, it shows kids and parents how to make a seriously ass-ugly Military Appreciation Wreath, an amalgam of camo fabric, burlap (burlap is very patriotic!), and flag-themed ribbons that can be displayed for patriotic holidays.

The so-called "history lesson" turns out to be a primer on the U.S. military and its various branches. As the first video released in the series, the wreath lesson puts PragerU's priorities front and center. In the video, Simonian clarifies that while she is using red-white-and-blue swatches, the fabric did not actually come from a flag. "Never, ever, ever," she exhorts, "cut up an American flag to make anything."

We decided not to blow $25 for a membership in PREP, because why give Dennis Prager et al. any more money? But we may have to come back to the section for third-to-fifth graders soon, since it's promising a very important educational "magazine" about Ayn Rand, to follow up on its initial offerings on Abigail Adams and Margaret Thatcher. Under "Fascinating Facts" in that one, we learn that Thatcher "became known as 'Thatcher, the milk snatcher' for ending a government-sponsored free milk program during her tenure as Education Minister." Apparently that's a really awesome thing, just like how she "stood up" to miners' unions and made everyone in Britain free and prosperous. It must be true, since adults wrote it!

[American Prospect / American Prospect]


President Joe Biden spoke at length Wednesday about his big, fancy American Jobs Plan, which he described as a "once in a generation investment in America."

BIDEN: It's the single largest investment in American jobs since World War II. And it's a plan that puts millions of Americans in the work to fix what's broken in our country, tens of thousands of miles of roads and highways, thousands of bridges in desperate need of repair. But it also is a blueprint for infrastructure needed for tomorrow, not just yesterday, tomorrow. For American jobs, for American competitiveness.

Republicans uniformly oppose Biden's infrastructure plan, because they all suck. They don't want to pay for it and they're not even sure it's infrastructure. Conservatives have a very narrow definition of "infrastructure." They seem to think it's just roads and bridges, but if that were true, you might as well just say "roads and bridges." Why even bother with a separate word for infrastructure. You're not saving that much time.

Biden pushed back against this strict constructionist (i.e. “bullshit") view of infrastructure.

BIDEN: They say, why not focus on traditional infrastructure. Fix what we've already got, the road and the highways that exists, and the bridges. I'm happy to have that debate but let me tell you my view. We are America. We don't just fix for today, we build for tomorrow. 200 years ago, trains weren't traditional infrastructure either until America made a choice to lay down tracks across the country. Highways weren't traditional infrastructure until we allowed ourselves to imagine that roads could connect our nation across state lines. The idea of infrastructure has always evolved to meet the aspirations of American people and their needs, and it's evolving again today.

Please watch Biden's full remarks, linked above, as I think the president makes a compelling case for going big on infrastructure. For some reason, the media chose to present this stirring “can-do" speech as Biden's attempt to “sell" the infrastructure plan, like he was pitching band equipment or a monorail.

The Financial Times, which leans right economically, claimed that infrastructure is a "deceptively dry word" in Biden's mouth. He wasn't talking about a Pinot Gris.

The US president's plan to spend around $2tn on the stuff includes $400bn on care for the elderly and people with disabilities. $100bn will go on job training for disadvantaged groups. And this is before the second tranche of the plan, due this spring, which is expected to enhance childcare and rights to paid leave.

Oh no, will the corruption ever stop! Working from home during the pandemic, when schools were closed, should've reminded everyone how vital childcare is to a functioning economy. The pandemic also disproportionately impacted "disadvantaged groups." There's no guarantee that every job that vanished during the shutdowns is coming back. This is all objectively good and important spending. It's an investment in America that's more forward-thinking than just building one big WALL.

It is bizarre to see Republican recoil in horror at spending money on the elderly and people with disabilities. Fine, whatever, have a semantic debate over what constitutes infrastructure, but are Republicans seriously going to tell old people in need of repair to get fucked because they aren't a bridge or highway?

Guess so.


Marsha Blackburn, one of the Senate's dumbest Republicans, tweeted ominously that the "Biden administration is putting their priorities over Americans' priorities," because this idiot thinks the rest of us hate old people. True, Blackburn is herself 68 and annoying, but I'm still fine with her getting a taste of the sweet infrastructure stimmy.

Blackburn went on to declare that “President Biden's proposal is about anything but infrastructure" while calling out the $400 billion on elder care like the federal government's blowing money on eskimo poetry.

Mitch McConnell is usually better at "diabolical," but the Senate minority leader has called Biden's plan a “Trojan horse," because it's secretly stuffed with liberal policies Democrats are trying to sneak past Americans. He might not fully understand how the Trojan horse worked. See, helping old people is the shiny exterior gift everyone likes. It's not the Greek soldiers hidden inside who are going to kill everyone if they haven't already died from suffocation.

Polls shows broad bipartisan support for the American Jobs Plan, but Republicans in Congress only listen to their donors. They won't want to raise taxes on struggling corporations to the levels they were in the distant past of 2017. Biden explained that the corporate tax rate was once 35 percent, during extended periods of economic growth, but he'll meet in the middle at 28 percent so no one thinks he's a commie. Billionaires won't starve, especially those whose wealth grew during the pandemic.

BIDEN: New independent study, put out last week, found that at least 55 of our largest corporations use the various loopholes to pay zero federal income tax in 2020. It's just not fair. It's not fair to the rest of the American taxpayers. We're going to try to put an end to this. Not fleece them. 28%. If you're a mom and dad, a cop, firefighter, police officer, et cetera you're paying close to that in your income tax. [...]

Not trying to punish anybody, but dammit. maybe it's because I come from middle-class neighborhood, I'm sick and tired of ordinary people being fleeced.

Biden also tried appealing to Republicans' nationalist zeal. He argued that investing in infrastructure now can keep us ahead of China, which is counting on “American democracy to be too slow, too limited, and too divided to keep the pace."

The president probably realizes he'll have to pass the American Jobs Plan without any Republican votes while also stroking Joe Manchin's ego, but he's still willing to cooperate with a political party that includes Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley.

We'll be listening, we'll be open to good ideas and good-faith negotiations, but here's what we won't be open to: We will not be open to doing nothing

Unfortunately, the GOP has no good ideas and is incapable of negotiating in good faith. Republicans can either do nothing or something terrible. Those are the only options. We prefer nothing. Nothing's always better than voter suppression laws and Amy Coney Barrett.

[Rev / Financial Times]

Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.




Photo of flu patients during the First World War

If you prefer your data in a visual format, here's the current map from COVID Exit Strategy, using data from the CDC and the COVID Tracking Project.

I want to add this link to the weekly report. It's important to remember:

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1983 - Is Coronavirus more contagious and more deadly than the flu? YES.

ALSO... I am seeing a big discrepancy between the Johns Hopkins data in death totals and WORLDOMETER data, which aggregates data from many more sources. Could this be the slow down due to the change in how the CDC obtains the data, having it filter first through Health and Human Services department.


Anyway, as usual, here's the weekly links to the data about cases (lower than reality) and deaths (lower than reality, also) due to COVID-19.

Data can be found here, as always: 

This is also a good data site:

Last updated: April 11, 2021, 02:55 GMT

 United States

Coronavirus Cases:





About Worldometer
Worldometer manually analyzes, validates, and aggregates data from thousands of sources in real time and provides global COVID-19 live statistics for a wide audience of caring people around the world.
Over the past 15 years, our statistics have been requested by, and provided to Oxford University PressWileyPearsonCERNWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C)The AtlanticBBC, Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology, Science Museum of Virginia, Morgan StanleyIBMHewlett PackardDellKasperskyPricewaterhouseCoopersAmazon AlexaGoogle Translate, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the U2 concert, and many others.
Worldometer is cited as a source in over 10,000 published books and in more than 6,000 professional journal articles and was voted as one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world.

Coronavirus Is No 1918 Pandemic - The Atlantic

A Red Cross worker in the United States, 1918

No image available



Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity Show Us Hunter Biden's Prime-Time Squirtle

Squirtle never asked for this.

Tucker Carlson did some extremely important journalisming last night in an interview with a Daily Mail reporter who exposed the shocking fact that Hunter Biden's recent memoir did not, in fact, tell all. For instance, reporter Josh Boswell says that videos and photos from Hunter Biden's laptop very definitely showed Hunter doing sex with prostitutes, and that isn't even in the book! To help make the point, Carlson helpfully ran, at 8:30 p.m. Eastern when children might definitely be in the room, a couple of the pics from the Daily Mail story, complete with a red circle of a little doggie that was on the bed at the time.

Also, here is another weird detail: Not only did Carlson's production team pixelate out the nipples of one woman, they also pixelated the swimsuits (or lingerie) both were wearing, suggesting they were more nekkid than they actually were. The Mail, by contrast, went with pixelating the faces and adding a classic black censorship bar over the nippular area. Strangely, the more-redacted photo looks a lot more like coitus is going on, while poor Squirtle the Pokemon had to witness it all.

Imagine that! You can find video of the segment at Mediaite.

So why was Tucker putting porns on national cable TV, at dinner time in many parts of the country? Well because the emails and images from the laptop (verified as authentic by Daily Mail forensic experts, no less) show that Hunter Biden did crimes maybe, like cavorting with prostitutes and also taking drugs, so why isn't he already in jail, and his dad impeached, huh? At least, that was what Carlson was "worried" about, because this is a very important scandal about Joe Biden, somehow, and Fox News favorite Matt Gaetz, a sitting congressman who may have paid for sex work with public Venmo payments, is LOOK AT HUNTER BIDEN. Sean Hannity got into the act later too.

Or maybe it was just more titillating than Tucker's 88th repetition of the warning that Democrats are trying to replace white people with a lot of scary Central Americans who aren't like you Fox viewers.

That "Great Replacement" conspiracy bullshit was explicitly invoked by multiple mass murderers, like the New Zealand mosque killer, the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, and the El Paso Walmart killer, but Tucker didn't mention those; he just griped that "leftists" would be "hysterical" at his perfectly rational claim that Democrats seek to replace real American voters with "more obedient voters from the third world."

Yeah, why could anyone object? We'll just hysterically point out here that no, people who seek asylum in the US can't just automatically vote, though they may eventually become citizens. Also, we hear that people who immigrate to the United States are actually quite capable of thinking for themselves, at least unless they regularly watch Fox News.

Then again, Tucker has repeated that overtly white nationalist talking point so many times that maybe his viewers have become inured to it. So now he's apparently trying to find something else to stimulate their limbuses, which we are pretty sure should be a word.

In conclusion, we can only imagine that by mid-summer, Tucker Carlson will be showing pixelated porn videos too, for important political reporting purposes, because the limbuses demand it.

[Mediaite Daily Mail / Guardian Business Insider]


US Arrests Suspect Who Wanted To Blow Up AWS Data Center (therecord.media)

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Record:The FBI has arrested on Thursday a Texas man who planned to blow up one of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers in an attempt to "kill of about 70% of the internet." Seth Aaron Pendley, 28, of Wichita Falls, Texas, was arraigned in front of a Texas judge today and formally indicted with a malicious attempt to destroy a building with an explosive.

The US Department of Justice said Pendley was arrested on Thursday after he tried to acquire C-4 plastic explosives from an undercover FBI employee in Fort Worth, Texas. The FBI said they learned of Pendley's plans after the suspect confided in January 2021 via Signal, an encrypted communications app, to a third-party source about plans to blow up one of Amazon's Virginia-based data centers. The source alerted the FBI and introduced the suspect to the undercover agent on March 31.
"The suspect allegedly told an FBI agent that he wanted to attack Amazon's data center because the company was providing web servers to the FBI, CIA, and other federal agencies and that he hoped to bring down 'the oligarchy' currently in power in the United States," the report says.

Pendley could face up to 20 years in federal prison if he's found guilty and convicted.

Back in February, Tucker Carlson concluded that "QAnon" did not exist and was purely an invention of the liberal media, because he and his crack staff were unable to find "the QAnon website." Now they've hit another roadblock — because Joe Biden keeps talking about something called "equity" and Tucker is pretty sure that's not actually a thing. And if it is a thing, it is the real racism.

On his show Wednesday night, Carlson laid into Joe Biden for inventing this strange word out of thin air and then expecting everyone to just know what it means, as if it's just been around since the 14th century or something. The target of his criticism in the segment below was the fact that, back in February, the Justice Department decided to no longer pursue a lawsuit against Yale University for supposedly discriminating against white and Asian students in favor of Black students. How? Because the university has a policy of not admitting more than a percentage point less than the percentage of Black students in the previous year's class.

Right now, 7.7 percent of students at Yale are Black, 13 percent are Latinx, 19 percent are Asian, and 52 percent are white.

11 percent are legacies.

Transcript via Media Matters:

So, what is "equity?" Joe Biden never tells us, never even hints. His order proclaims that America will be getting, quote, "an ambitious, whole of government equity agenda." So, whatever it is, "equity" is "ambitious," and it will be everywhere, but we're not allowed to know what it is. That's odd.

For three months, we've been trying to guess — what is this "equity" that is now our country's main reason for existing? We know it's not the same as equality, or even closely related.

In the name of equity, for example, the Biden administration supports open discrimination against Asian college applicants. They're Asian, therefore, they can't get into school. It's that simple.

We used to call that kind of behavior racism, we had laws against it. Now we call it "equity" and we have laws demanding it. It turns out that racism and equity are pretty much the same thing. Who knew?

No one is saying that Asian kids can't get into school. That is not a thing. They're just saying "Black kids can go to school also." And as long as they are giving admittance preferences to legacy students, and to those who compete in sports like sailing, fencing, squash, skiing, golf, and other relatively white hobbies and extracurricular activities you can't really do if you are poor, then it's in the school's best interest to balance things out in other ways. It would be one thing if Black and Latinx students were the only ones being admitted to schools based on a holistic admissions process and everyone else was being admitted explicitly based on test scores and grades, but that is not the case.

Because schools are funded by property taxes, public schools are still pretty separate and unequal. Eighty-six percent of underfunded schools are majority Black, and only eight percent of students in well-funded schools are Black. That makes a difference, especially when AP classes and extracurricular activities are things that admissions counselors look at. So yes, in order to have some amount of diversity for the student body as a whole, in order to give opportunities to those whose applications may only be not quite as impressive because they did not go to a school that offered many opportunities, giving kids one point in their plus column for being a member of an underrepresented race or ethnicity is the right thing to do.

Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson likely assumes that he got his all on his own, but he's the heir to a TV dinner fortune who went to St. George's Boarding School in Middletown, Rhode Island (which is right by Newport, just to give you an idea of its fanciness). Now, he may have gotten into Trinity College had he been born in other circumstances, but we will never know, will we?

Although, given that he can't figure out what the word "equity" means or bother to look it up in a dictionary, I think we may have some idea.

Equity is not really that hard to understand. It just means fair treatment and justice. It can even be explained in entirely non-political terms! For instance, I have dark brown hair. Say I had a blonde friend and we wanted to have matching pink hair. We could use the exact same hair dye, but in her hair it would come out bright and in mine it wouldn't come out at all. In order to get the same color, I'd have to have my hair bleached. Giving us both the same hair dye is equality, but bleaching my hair first and then dying it would be "equity." Because sometimes people, through absolutely no fault or deficiency of their own, need more to achieve the same result and sometimes other people, for reasons entirely unrelated to their own character, talent or hard work, need less. Duh.

But Tucker Carlson seems to have a really hard time understanding this.

Transcript via Media Matters:

You do not want to live in a completely racialized country — where a person's genetics are the most important thing about them, where you are reduced to your DNA, dehumanized. But that's exactly the society they're creating.
And what's the result of what they're doing? Every action provokes a reaction. That's the most basic principle in physics. When you attack people for qualities they can't control, over time, you will make them radical. That is guaranteed.

You've got to wonder, if it's ever occurred to the morons pushing this "equity" garbage that everyone on earth has an identity. If you make identity politics mandatory — and they have — how long until you get white identity politics?

Ever consider that, you reckless fools?

First of all, Tucker Carlson, please stop yelling at us. Second, "how long" until we get white identity politics? We have white identity politics now! They are on full display every weeknight on a little show called "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

But of course Tucker Carlson doesn't want to have an "identity." He wants to be neutral. Because he wants to believe that if he were not white, if he had not been born into money, if he had not had a privileged education, that he would have turned out to be the same asshole he is today. He wants to believe all of these factors were neutral and that he had no privilege, and in order for that to be true, factors in the lives of other people also have to be neutral.

How long before there is no national identity at all in this country? Only warring tribes fighting each other for the spoils? Does anyone want to raise children in a society like that? Only the racists want that. But that's exactly where they're pushing us, and at high speed.

Tucker Carlson doesn't have to worry about "warring for the spoils" because he was born with the spoils. What he wants is not for everyone to have spoils, but for others to accept their lack of spoils graciously, instead of inconveniencing those born with spoils by pointing out that they might be a little, well, spoiled.

[Media Matters]

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court declined to hear a case filed by Laura Loomer and Superlawyer Larry Klayman's Freedom Watch* against Twitter, Google, Apple, and Facebook, in which they claimed that those companies had violated their First Amendment rights and conspired to repress conservative thought by banning them from their platforms. The case was dismissed because social media companies are not the government and therefore cannot violate anyone's First Amendment rights. As absolutely hilarious as this circus would have been, that is probably for the best.

(Full disclosure Larry Klayman is still suing your Wonkette.)

In order to commemorate this event, Loomer says she is considering getting the docket number from her case tattooed on her arm, just like the numbers concentration camp prisoners had tattooed on their arms during the Holocaust. Because being kicked off of Twitter is apparently the first step right before they send you to the gulags. That is not actually a joke, because on some dope's YouTube show that she and Klayman recently appeared on, Loomer did in fact claim to be living in a "digital gulag" and insisted that this would eventually lead to conservatives being thrown in concentration camps and then murdered.

Via RightWingWatch:

"We all know that the favorite tactic of communists and Nazis is censorship," Loomer said. "When I handcuffed myself to Twitter [headquarters], as you know, Jason, I wore a yellow star because I really do believe that what we're seeing right now is massive digital extermination, which is a precursor to actual extermination. And I do believe that history is going to repeat itself, and we're gonna find ourselves with concentration camps again."

Loomer did in fact handcuff herself to the front door of Twitter headquarters in 2018 following her permanent ban from the platform for Islamophobic tweets directed at Rep. Ilhan Omar.

"We are living in a digital gulag," she continued. "And just like gulag prisoners and prisoners in concentration camps had to have tattoos—the Nazi-style Holocaust tattoos—I thought that it would be really symbolic to actually get my docket number tattooed on my wrist like a Holocaust-style tattoo because I really do believe that history is repeating itself and we are witnessing a digital Shoah, and this is digital extermination by these actual fascists and tyrants in Silicon Valley. And so, I might just get my docket number tattooed on my wrist."

You know, they always do this. Conservatives spend every waking moment of a Democratic presidency sobbing about how we are going to put them in camps — concentration, FEMA or otherwise — which we obviously never do, and the second they've got a Republican presidency they get all jazzed about how they're gonna mass arrest and/or publicly execute us all for all the Satanic crimes we are doing. It's so tiring. They want so badly to be oppressed, if only for the street cred.

There are many, many conservatives on social media. Loomer is specifically banned from things because she couldn't stop saying unbelievably offensive things about Muslim people. She was banned from Uber and Lyft because she went on a Twitter rant about how she wanted a rideshare service that didn't employ Muslims. If that is what she wants, it is weird that she is still complaining about not being able to use rideshare services that do. People get banned from Uber and Lyft for things far less horrendous than that. I know someone who was banned from Uber because the driver charged them 80 bucks for a five-minute ride and they refused to pay. That's ridiculous. But ensuring that their employees don't get stuck driving someone who is famously bigoted towards them around? That's actually one of the better things they've done for their workers.

Later, on Telegram, Loomer announced that she was definitely going to do it, in order to have a permanent reminder of why she "fights" to be allowed to say horrifically racist things on social media:

I wore a yellow star when I handcuffed myself to Twitter when I was banned in 2018 to highlight the 1930s Germany style treatment of conservatives by the Big Tech tyrants.

Now,I am going to get my SCOTUS docket number tattooed on my wrist. This is digital extermination and we will soon all be docket numbers in the digital gulag. Big Tech are modern day Gestapo, and we are digital Gulag prisoners referenced by our prisoner numbers, until they can throw us in real gulags in their technocracy.
I'm going to do it. Everyday I will have a permanent reminder of why I fight.


People have not historically been put in gulags or concentration camps because they were the ones who were bigoted and wanted others to be discriminated against. Generally, those who wish to do that to people are the Gulag-ers, not the Gulag-ees. But if Laura Loomer wants to get a terrible tattoo, we should not stop her. I'd say she might want to make sure that whoever she gets to do it for her is neither someone whose family actually did get sent to a concentration camp or gulag or someone whose friends or family members are one of the groups Laura would like to discriminate against, but there's no chance anyone could make this tattoo look like a worse idea.

It is not, however, the worst idea Loomer has ever had. That honor goes to the fan fiction of herself that she sells on her website, for which there is a hilarious trailer.

You are welcome.

[Right Wing Watch]

 Robyn Pennacchia

Robyn Pennacchia is a brilliant, fabulously talented and visually stunning angel of a human being, who shrugged off what she is pretty sure would have been a Tony Award-winning career in musical theater in order to write about stuff on the internet. Follow her on Twitter at @RobynElyse

Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan

It's kind of like "The Twilight Zone" these days when a Republican just tells the truth, and not in that "caught on hidden camera telling truth to crime partners" kind of way. Not in the "oops, did I just say the quiet part loud?" way either. Rather, we are talking about the thing where they say that yes, they've looked at the evidence, and what the damn libs have been saying is true.

Meet Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan, a Republican, who went on CNN yesterday and said he's looked at the evidence, he's done the math, he's pulled out his TI-86 calculator, and he's found that YEAH, the only reason Georgia Republicans are passing bullshit Jim Crow laws to make it harder for people to vote is because Rudy Giuliani came to Georgia and filled everybody's heads with Donald Trump's fascist Big Lie bullshit about the election being fraudulently stolen from him.

He really just said it.

"This is really the fallout from the 10 weeks of misinformation that flew in from former President Donald Trump," Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said on CNN's "New Day." "I went back over the weekend to really look at where this really started to gain momentum in the legislature, and it was when Rudy Giuliani showed up in a couple of committee rooms and spent hours spreading misinformation and sowing doubt across, you know, hours of testimony."

Oh my God, the truth. He called it "misinformation" from Donald Trump. He said it was Rudy Giuliani swooping in and spoonfeeding the morons "misinformation" that got the ball rolling on this. He just said it. And he said more than that, if you watch the video.

Maybe it's because he's reportedly not planning on running for re-election. These days that has a way of making Republicans rediscover the ability to tell the truth.

Democratic superhero voting rights lawyer Marc Elias called Duncan's truth-telling a "big f'ing deal":

Because Republicans who tell the truth are in such short supply, we feel the need to make sure you understand this is not the same Georgia white man Republican as Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who, though he is a Republican, actually worked to make sure Georgia had fair elections in November and January. Got that? Not the same white Republican man.

Duncan specifically said on CNN that he doesn't like Georgia Republicans punishing Raffensperger just for doing his job.

"The secretary of state did a great job. I think that was one of the parts, too, that concerned me about the final passage of the law, which ultimately was a culmination of Democratic and Republican ideas," Duncan told CNN. "But some of the punitive, you know, responses to taking Raffensperger off that elections board was just trying to tip their hat to Donald Trump, and I just didn't think that was a necessary step."

Earlier this week, also on CNN, Duncan said the only thing Raffensperger did wrong was "become [...] the former president's scapegoat in this situation."

This is where Georgia finds itself. As Duncan noted in the clip above, they've lost the MLB All-Star Game to Denver, because Georgia Republicans just passed a vicious voter suppression law based on the lies Rudy Giuliani told on behalf of Donald Trump. It's worth remembering that Fulton County DA Fani Willis is currently criminally investigating Trump's efforts to interfere in the Georgia election, and Rudy Giuliani is reportedly part of that investigation.

All of this is happening right now. Georgia GOP Governor Brian Kemp might be out there whining about "cancel culture" to any rightwing outlet that'll have him — his new thing is that it's no big deal to ban giving voters water and food in long lines, because they can just Uber Eats it! — but Geoff Duncan told the truth about it.

So that's something.


Follow Evan Hurst on Twitter RIGHT HERE, DO IT RIGHT HERE!

This weekend news broke that the Trump campaign, in the waning days of its losing 2020 campaign, found the snazziest, most creative way to separate Donald Trump's idiot fans — many of them old people on fixed incomes and the like — from their money. In the simplest terms possible, it was a scheme whereby the campaign, on donation pages powered by for-profit company WinRed (it's like ActBlue, if you couldn't trust ActBlue not to drain your checking account), would pre-check boxes that said "make this a recurring donation," and if you didn't see the pre-checked boxes, then surprise! Your money would come out today, and also next week, and the week after that, and the week after that, and the week after that, and sometimes there'd even be a special pre-checked box for you to make a SPECIAL donation!

Rinse, repeat, until you ain't got no dollars in your checking account!

Make sense?

Here, have a visual aid, provided by the New York Times:

See all that word salad arglebargle bullshit before the teeny tiny print at the bottom, where it's like "LOL we are stealing all your money if you don't uncheck this box" or whatever it says? (We are not sure, they make the print so very small to read for elderly eyes!)

In just the last two and a half months of 2020, "the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and their shared accounts issued more than 530,000 refunds worth $64.3 million to online donors," per the New York Times. Overall they had to return $122 million.

Point is, this is not a great week for us to all see a fundraising pitch from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) that looks like this, pre-checked box and all:

Oh no! They are going to find out they lost you to the Radical Left, Grandma Myrtle! If you UNCHECK this box, Uncle Cousin Gomer Lou, they're TELLIN' TRUMP you're a DEFECTOR who sided with the Dems! CHECK THE BOX, Aunt Lurlene Sue Beth, and we can MAKE TRUMP STOP CRYIN' SO MUCH AGAIN!

(Some conditions apply, this is a monthly recurring donation and also some men are coming over to remove your kidneys later, yes both of your kidneys.)

Apparently this has been going all week. Tim Miller from the Bulwark got this text from the NRCC on Tuesday:


Miller ticks through all the reasons this is bullshit. Does Trump have a new social media site? No, that would require work on his part. Would the NRCC be part of that if he did? No. Is the NRCC trying to bilk people out of their money by offering an exclusive opportunity to be part of something that doesn't even exist and they wouldn't be part of it even if it did? Magic 8 Ball says looks like it, idiot!

Here's what you get if you click on that link:

Yay, that sounds very exciting, a new social media site from Trump, and we get to be the first to join! LET'S GIVE IT ALL OUR MONEYS!

As Miller explains, next up you see this:

If you want Trump to run again CHECK THIS BOX. If you HATE TRUMP and want him to CRY SOME MORE, uncheck this box! (Whisper whisper make it a monthly!)

YOU ARE MISSING! Your Trump Patriot Status is EXPIRED! We are very disappointed you ABANDONED YOUR DEAR LEADER! If you don't give us money RIGHT NOW, you will be REJECTED BY YOUR LORD FOR ALL ETERNITY! (An extra $50 would help appease his spirits.)

And all that goes along with the fundraising page about how they are going to TELL TRUMP you are a DEFECTOR!

Again, this isn't even the Trump campaign. This is the NRCC fundraising off Trump's name using a fake social media site as bait, and using the same scammy tactics to confuse old white people out of their money for weeks and months on end.

Miller comments:

I'm sure there's some formal legal difference between the NRCC tricking someone into signing up for a nonexistent social media site—and then having a default box opting them in to both double their pledged amount and make it recurring—and the criminal advance-fee scams made famous by the imaginary Nigerian princes.

But as a moral matter, the difference is awfully hard to suss out.


Shane Goldmacher, who broke the original story about the Trump campaign's scam, has more at the New York Times. If you don't CLICK THIS LINK and go READ IT, something VERY BAD will happen, something that UPSETS LIBERALS, like maybe there will be no ARUGULA at the STORE next time you GO THERE.

Or something.

If you'd like to make a donation to Wonkette, please physically click the widgets below and freely choose to give us all your money. No tricks. We are just saying you can do that if you want.

[The Bulwark]

Follow Evan Hurst on Twitter RIGHT HERE, DO IT RIGHT HERE!

“A Scam”: New Report Details How Trump Campaign Bilked Millions From Supporters

The New York Times reveals deceptive tactics.

When Donald Trump’s campaign budget was largely tapped this fall, his staff resorted to deceptive online fundraising practices that tricked donors into signing up to make extra or recurring credit card payments.

According to a New York Times report, the strategies, which involved automatically checking boxes above language consenting to the donations buried below lines and lines of near gibberish, sparked a huge number of complaints, which helped push the campaign to refund an eye popping $64.3 million dollars. According to insiders interviewed by the Times in credit card fraud departments, complaints about unwanted and unexpected charges from Trump donors accounted for as much as 3% of all traffic for periods during the campaign—a stunning number when compared to the massive amount of non-political credit card transactions the companies process.  “It felt,” one victim tells the Times, “like it was a scam.”

From the New York Times.

The Trump campaign paid out many of those refunds after the November election, as new piles of cash were coming in, purportedly earmarked to fund legal battles related to his false claim that his reelection was stolen. As the Times reports, “the money that Mr. Trump eventually had to refund amounted to an interest-free loan from unwitting supporters at the most important juncture of the 2020 race.”

Since leaving office, Trump has kept his political money machine operational. Just last month he sent cease and desist letters to the Republican National Committee and other party arms demanding they stop using his name and likeness in fundraising, and told donors to instead give to a PAC he controls.



Chicago Police Rolled Out a Cover-Up After Killing a 13-Year-Old Latino Boy

“The police are never going to tell the truth at all.”

Last Sunday, Elizabeth Toledo was relieved to see her 13-year-old son, Adam, walk in the door of their West Chicago home. She’d filed a missing-person report with police a day before, but he returned in time to join his mom at a relative’s memorial service. That night she put him to bed in a room he shared with his brother, grateful he was back.

The next morning, he wasn’t there. Adam Toledo had gone out, and in the middle of the night, around 2:30 a.m., Chicago police shot and killed the seventh-grade boy in an alley behind a high school, not far from his home in Little Village. But nobody told Elizabeth, who thought he’d gone missing again.

When the police finally reached out to her on Wednesday, a full two days after the shooting, they requested a photo of Adam. She assumed it was related to her earlier missing-person report. A half hour later, they knocked on her door and asked her to go to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office to identify his body. “I couldn’t even see him; they showed me a picture of my son Adam for just a couple of seconds,” she told Block Club ChicagoAccording to her attorney, she wasn’t told how he died—he was shot in the chest—until she met with authorities later.

In the days after Chicago police killed the boy, Elizabeth Toledo wasn’t the only one kept in the dark; city officials were also slow to provide key details to the public. In a carefully constructed statement issued hours after the shooting, the police department only revealed that officers had seen “two males in a nearby alley,” and that one of them was armed and began to flee. (The other person in the alley was a 21-year-old man.) A “foot pursuit…resulted in a confrontation,” and an officer “fired his weapon, striking the offender in the chest.” Along with these bare details, the police department tweeted a photo of a gun they said was recovered at the scene.

On Thursday, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown clarified that the so-called male “offender” who was shot by police was a juvenile. But even then, according to Carlos Ballesteros, a reporter at Chicago-based Injustice Watch, he did not yet specify the boy was just 13 years old; it took reporters digging through an autopsy ledger to break the news about his age that day, according to Lakeidra Chavis, a Chicago-based reporter at the Trace, which covers gun violence. “Someone knew early on the person shot was actually a young teenager. That information was omitted while crafting a self-defense narrative,” she tweeted.

The city also delayed the release of body-cam footage that captured the shooting. Initially, the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, which investigates police shootings, said the video could not be released because Adam Toledo was just a juvenile. On Friday, the agency reversed its position: It had made a mistake, it stated, and would release it within 60 days. Toledo’s family confirmed they would be shown the footage next week. “The public deserves a complete window into the split-second decisions our officers are forced to make,” Superintendent Brown tweeted Friday.

The obfuscation echoes the city’s response to the 2014 police killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, another minor from Chicago’s West Side. Officer Jason Van Dyke, who is white, shot and killed McDonald, who was Black, while responding to a call about alleged car break-ins, and initially claimed the teen lunged at him with a knife. “City officials waited more than a year to release police dash-cam footage of the shooting—and did so only after a judge ruled in favor of an independent journalist whose public records requests were repeatedly denied,” Brandon Patterson reported for Mother Jones at the time. The video showed that Van Dyke shot McDonald 16 times, even after the teen had fallen to the ground, and sparked widespread protests and calls for then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign. In 2018, Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder, as well as 16 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm.

After more details of Adam Toledo’s death became known this week, Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez told Block Club that incidents like the case have left her with little trust for the police. “For a very long time the police have been taken at their word. We’re not accepting that anymore,” she said. “You shot a 13 year old.”

“We’ve figured out the police are never going to tell the truth at all or they’re only going to share what makes them look good,” she added.

The officer who killed Adam has been placed on administrative duty for 30 days. On Friday night, a small group of protesters marched through Logan Square demanding justice. In a news conference earlier that day, Elizabeth Toledo said she wants to know the truth about why the officer fired a bullet into her son. “I just want to know what really happened to my baby,” she said, crying. An attorney said Adam had no criminal history, and that he once dreamed of becoming a police officer himself. Elizabeth Toledo recalled him as being a happy kid who loved animals, and said he was far too young.

“He still played with Hot Wheels,” she said in tears.

Stream “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)” If You’re a “Good” Christian

What does it mean to be a “good” Christian? I grew up in the Evangelical Covenant Church and in the company of YoungLife—an over-the-top, (some would even joke) cult group for adolescent, “friendly” evangelicalism. The question was a part of daily life. It is a part of my daily life. (I still practice the Christian faith.) And Lil Nas X’s new song and video, “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)” seemed to re-stoke that debate within me.

Amid a flurry of Christian imagery—the Garden of Eden, a snake, heaven and hell, ancient Rome, the devil—Montero (Lil Nas X’s given name) asks where he fits into God’s world. Or, if he fits at all. And it struck me. This is one of the most obvious Christian works I’ve seen!

And yet, many Christians didn’t see it that way. “Devil worshipping, wicked nonsense,” a pastor called it. The governor of South Dakota, Republican Kristi Noem, weighed in with similar anger. After seeing Lil Nas X collaborated with fashion brand MSCHF (pronounced “mischief”) to launch limited edition “Satan Shoes” in promotion of the track (each shoe contained a single drop of human blood), Noem even took to Twitter to claim that the only thing more exclusive than these sneakers was “[our kids’] God-given eternal soul.” Turning Point USA’s Alex Clark took to her “Poplitics” IGTV show to go on an almost 10-minute tirade against the artist, incorrectly claiming he has no Grammy Awards (he has two), calling his fans “jobless gays on Twitter,” and calling the shoes “100 percent Satanic” before telling Lil Nas X that “hell and the devil are completely real.”

I am not foolish. I understand why a Black gay man bothers some Christians. (And why the video—in which Lil Nas X pole dances down to Hell and gives Satan a lap dance—really, really bothers them.) But I also saw something else. Montero is engaging with the Church’s symbols seriously. Most pop stars sell “sex” in their work in a way that rejects the Church completely. But Montero is asking to be part of its lineage. In many ways, Montero’s claim here is not a rejection of the Church or its value. It’s an invitation for Christians to reflect and ask questions about how they might align their faith with Christ’s message: love.

Because yes, our love looks like this, conflicted by religion, pained by its oppression, and reactive to those who condemn us. It looks like this music video.

“If your initial reaction is being offended, that’s totally understandable,” Matthew Vines, founder of The Reformation Project, tells me. “But I also encourage people to think more about why he thinks this—what does that say about the church? Because this is the message that so many queer people have gotten.” Montero himself made this exact point, tweeting: “i spent my entire teenage years hating myself because of the shit y’all preached would happen to me because i was gay. so i hope u are mad, stay mad, feel the same anger you teach us to have towards ourselves.”

Vines has spent years walking the fine line between the type of conservative Christianity that Montero has brought out of the woodwork and LGBTQ+ affirming theology. And he understands the backlash. But he’s also serious about where the backlash is coming from. “It’s definitely possible to be LGBTQ and Christian,” Vines says over the phone. “The video is just a reminder of how far there still is to go before that message can even be heard and internalized by so many people because so many churches still are teaching a false dichotomy.”



NASA's Mars Helicopter Survives First Cold Martian Night On Its Own (nasa.gov)

"NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has emerged from its first night on the surface of Mars," reports NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter was deployed from the belly of NASA's Perseverance rover on April 3rd. In the days to come, Ingenuity will be the first aircraft to attempt powered, controlled flight on another planet. From the report:Evening temperatures at Jezero Crater can plunge as low as minus 130 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 90 degrees Celsius), which can freeze and crack unprotected electrical components and damage the onboard batteries required for flight. "This is the first time that Ingenuity has been on its own on the surface of Mars," said MiMi Aung, Ingenuity project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "But we now have confirmation that we have the right insulation, the right heaters, and enough energy in its battery to survive the cold night, which is a big win for the team. We're excited to continue to prepare Ingenuity for its first flight test."

To ensure the solar array atop the helicopter's rotors could begin getting sunlight as soon as possible, Perseverance was instructed to move away from Ingenuity shortly after deploying it. Until the helicopter put its four legs onto the Martian surface, Ingenuity remained attached to the belly of the rover, receiving power from Perseverance, which touched down at Jezero Crater on Feb. 18. The rover serves as a communications relay between Ingenuity and Earth, and it will use its suite of cameras to observe the flight characteristics of the solar-powered helicopter from "Van Zyl Overlook."

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org:Ants react to social isolation in a similar way as do humans and other social mammals. A study by an Israeli-German research team has revealed alterations to the social and hygienic behavior of ants that had been isolated from their group. The research team was particularly surprised by the fact that immune and stress genes were downregulated in the brains of the isolated ants. [...] While the effects of isolation have been extensively studied in social mammals such as humans and mice, less is known about how social insects respond in comparable situations -- even though they live in highly evolved social systems. Ants, for instance, live their entire lives as members of the same colony and are dependent on their colony mates. The worker ants relinquish their own reproductive potential and devote themselves to feeding the larvae, cleaning and defending the nest, and searching for food, while the queen does little more than just lay eggs.

The research team looked at the consequences of social isolation in the case of ants of the species Temnothorax nylanderi. These ants inhabit cavities in acorns and sticks on the ground in European forests, forming colonies of a few dozen workers. Young workers engaged in brood care were taken singly from 14 colonies and kept in isolation for varying lengths of time, from one hour to a maximum of 28 days. The study was conducted between January and March 2019 and highlighted three particular aspects in which changes were observed. After the end of their isolation, the workers were less interested in their adult colony mates, but the length of time they spent in brood contact increased; they also spent less time grooming themselves. [...] While the study revealed significant changes in the behaviors of the isolated insects, its findings with regard to gene activity were even more striking: Many genes related to immune system function and stress response were downregulated. In other words, these genes were less active. "This finding is consistent with studies on other social animals that demonstrated a weakening of the immune system after isolation," said Professor Inon Scharf.
The study has been published in the journal Molecular Ecology.

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine:Experiments that create tiny brainlike structures from human stem cells or transplant human cells into an animal's brain have made some scientists, ethicists, and religious leaders uneasy in recent years. And the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has restricted some of this research. Now, a U.S. scientific panel has weighed in with advice about how to oversee this controversial and fast-moving area of neuroscience. The panel finds little evidence that brain "organoids" or animals given human cells experience humanlike consciousness or pain, and concludes current rules are adequate for overseeing this work. But they caution that could change, particularly as experiments move into nonhuman primates. "The rationale for the report is to get out ahead of the curve," says Harvard University neuroscientist Joshua Sanes, co-chair of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee that released its report today.

Researchers at the Queen Mary University of London have shown that you can collect "environmental DNA" (eDNA) from the air. Engadget reports:The team used a peristaltic pump combined with pressure filters to grab samples of naked mole rat DNA for five to 20 minutes, and then used standard kits to find and sequence genes in the resulting samples. This method not only pinpointed the mole rats' DNA (both in their housing and in the room at large), but caught some human DNA at the same time.

Lead author Dr. Elizabeth Claire said the work was originally meant to help conservationists and ecologists study biological environments. With enough development, though, it could be used for considerably more. Forensics units could pluck DNA from the air to determine if a suspect had been present at the scene of a crime. It might also be useful in medicine -- virologists and epidemiologists could understand how airborne viruses (like the one behind COVID-19) spread.

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN:Prices of NFTs, the digital certificates that have taken the art and collectibles world by storm this year, have plunged about 70% from their high point in February. The average price for an NFT on April 5 was about $1,256 -- down from more than $4.000 in late February, according to market research site NonFungible.com. Data from The Block, another crypto research firm, shows a similarly large decline for both prices and NFT sales as well.

[T]he sharp, sudden rise in the value of NFTs and more recent pullback is reminding some of other similar historic market bubbles, such as tulip mania in the 1600s, the dot com/tech crash of 2000 and bank stocks and housing prices in 2008. NFTs may be here to stay, but they just may not be worth the staggering sums of money that some people have shelled out for them in the past few weeks.

Colorado Denied Its Citizens the Right-To-Repair After Riveting Testimony (vice.com)

A right-to-repair bill died in the Colorado state legislature on March 25, 2021. After almost three hours of testimony from business leaders, disabled advocates, and a 9-year-old activist, legislators said there were too many unanswered questions and that the proposed law was too broad. Motherboard reports:Colorado's proposed right-to-repair law was simple and clear. At 11 pages, the legislation spent most of its word count defining terms, but the gist was simple: It would let people fix their own stuff without needing to resort to the manufacturer and force said manufacturer to support people who want to fix stuff. "For the purpose of providing services for digital electronic equipment sold or used in this state, an original equipment manufacturer shall, with fair and reasonable terms and cost, make available to an independent repair provider or owner of the manufacturer's equipment any documentation, parts, embedded software, firmware, or tools that are intended for use with the digital electronic equipment, including updates to documentation, information, or embedded software," the proposed bill said.

The Colorado House Business Affairs & Labor committee met to consider the law on March 25. Twelve legislators voted to indefinitely postpone considering the bill. Only one voted for it. "I still have a lot of questions. I still have a lot of concerns," Rep. Monica Duran (D) said at the end of the committee hearing. She voted no on the bill. It was a stunning statement given just how many people testified on behalf of the right-to-repair legislation and how few questions the committee asked them. [...] In their own comments, the legislators repeated lines Apple and other companies often use to defend their repair monopolies. Shannon Bird (D), for example, said that manufacturers have the right to dictate how a customer uses its product. She stressed that Apple can sell licenses to whatever it wants. "Apple Music is different than purchasing a CD," she said. "I have a hard time believing that we would call it Apple having a monopoly on its own product."

NASA to land 1st person of color on the moon with Artemis program

NASA's Artemis program is working to put boots back on the moon by 2024 and establish a permanent presence there by the end of the decade. (Image credit: NASA)

NASA will land the first person of color in addition to the first woman on the moon with the Artemis program, NASA's Acting Administrator Steve Jurczyk revealed today (April 9). 

Today, President Joe Biden's administration submitted a budget proposal outlining its priorities for discretionary spending for the fiscal year 2022 to Congress. The proposed budget includes a funding increase that will support Mars sample return, research, climate science and more at NASA. Jurczyk responded to the news in a NASA statement and additionally revealed that the agency will be landing the first person of color on the moon with the Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the lunar surface

This funding request "keeps NASA on the path to landing the first woman and the first person of color on the moon under the Artemis program. This goal aligns with President Biden's commitment to pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all," the NASA statement reads

The statement marks the first time that the agency has specified it will land a person of color on the moon;, previous comments about Artemis have only referred to landing the "next man and the first woman" on the moon. 

Related: NASA unveils plan for Artemis 'base camp' on the moon beyond 2024

Under the administration of President Donald Trump, NASA was aiming to complete the first Artemis lunar landing by 2024, but the Biden administration has not yet commented on whether it will keep NASA to this ambitious timeline.

Jurczyk's full statement reads: 

"This $24.7 billion funding request demonstrates the Biden administration's commitment to NASA and its partners who have worked so hard this past year under difficult circumstances and achieved unprecedented success.

"The president's discretionary request increases NASA's ability to better understand Earth and further monitor and predict the impacts of climate change. It also gives us the necessary resources to continue advancing America's bipartisan moon to Mars space exploration plan, including landing the first woman and first person of color on the moon under the Artemis program.

"We know this funding increase comes at a time of constrained resources, and we owe it to the president and the American people to be good and responsible stewards of every tax dollar invested in NASA. The NASA workforce and the American people should be encouraged by what they see in this funding request. It is an investment in our future, and it shows confidence in what this agency has to offer."

Related: Can NASA really put astronauts on the moon in 2024? 

The statement from NASA goes on to include details about the discretionary funding request, including the fact that it supports STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) engagement and "strengthens NASA's ability to better understand Earth and how it works as an integrated system, from our oceans to our atmosphere, how it all impacts our daily lives, and how it all is impacted by climate change," the statement reads. 

Following this funding request, we will learn more about the administration's overall goals with regard to space, science and NASA programs. Within the upcoming months, President Biden is expected to release a complete budget that will include a more detailed plan for that spending. However, budgets for NASA and the rest of the federal government are ultimately determined by Congress.

Email Chelsea Gohd at cgohd@space.com or follow her on Twitter @chelsea_gohd. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.

Spooky 'spiders on Mars' finally explained after two decades

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this image of the "spiders" at Mars' south pole on May 13, 2018. (Image credit: NASA)

Ziggy played guitar, and scientists in the U.K. played with a big chunk of dry ice to try to figure out what's behind the strange alien patterns known as the "spiders on Mars."

Those patterns, visible in satellite images of the Red Planet's south pole, aren't real spiders, of course; but the branching, black shapes carved into the Martian surface look creepy enough that researchers dubbed them "araneiforms" (meaning "spider-like") after discovering the shapes more than two decades ago.

Measuring up to 3,300 feet (1 kilometer) across, the gargantuan shapes don't resemble anything on Earth. But in a new study published March 19 in the journal Scientific Reports, scientists successfully recreated a shrunken-down version of the spiders in their lab, using a slab of carbon dioxide ice (also called dry ice) and a machine that simulates the Martian atmosphere. When the cold ice made contact with a much-warmer bed of Mars-like sediment, part of the ice instantly transformed from a solid to a gas (a process called sublimation), forming spidery cracks where the escaping gas pushed through the ice.

"This research presents the first set of empirical evidence for a surface process that is thought to modify the polar landscape on Mars," lead study author Lauren McKeown, a planetary scientist at the Open University in England, said in a statement. "The experiments show directly that the spider patterns we observe on Mars from orbit can be carved by the direct conversion of dry ice from solid to gas. "

Here's an example of "spiders" created in the laboratory with cross-sections showing that the depth of troughs decreases away from the araneiform center, as they do on Mars. (Image credit: Scientific Reports,CC by 4.0)

The Martian atmosphere contains more than 95% carbon dioxide (CO2), according to NASA, and so much of the ice and frost that forms around the planet's poles in winter is also made of CO2. In a 2003 study, researchers hypothesized that the spiders on Mars could form in spring, when sunlight penetrates the translucent layer of CO2 ice and heats the ground underneath. That heating causes the ice to sublimate from its base, building up pressure under the ice until it finally cracks. Pent-up gas escapes through the cracks in a gushing plume, leaving behind the zigzagging spider-leg patterns visible on Mars today, the team hypothesized.

Until recently, scientists had no way of testing that hypothesis on Earth, where atmospheric conditions are vastly different. But in the new study, researchers made a little slice of Mars here on Earth, using a device called the Open University Mars Simulation Chamber. The team placed sediment grains of varying size inside the chamber, then used a system that resembles a claw machine you'd see at a local arcade to suspend a block of dry ice over the grains. The team adjusted the chamber to mimic the atmospheric conditions of Mars, then slowly lowered the dry ice block onto the grains.

The experiments proved that the spider-sublimation hypothesis is valid. Regardless of the size of the sediment grains, the dry ice always sublimated on contact with them, and the escaping gas pushed upward, carving out spider leg-like cracks along the way. According to the researchers, the spider legs branched more when the grains were finer and less when the grains were coarser.

While not definitive, these experiments provide the first physical evidence showing how the spiders on Mars may have formed. Now, isn't that sublime.

Originally published on Live Science.



- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2104.10 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2108 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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