Hi Mom,
I am slamming hard through a huge Java code project due tonight, Friday, at midnight, but since I am writing this from the future, I can say that I managed to get the TA to give me extra time, and so I did not have to stay up until the wee hours, which I would not have been able to do successfully. Here, to the left, is an image from my Net Beans developer program, and farther below, there's a screen capture with Java code in it.
It's a somewhat difficult project, even though the logic of most parts are not as difficult in and of themselves as the encryption/decryption program we did earlier this semester. This is my eighth Java program of the semester. I like writing code. I especially like running into problems and then solving them.
This code reads Baseball team data from a file and then sorts the data into standings order for leagues and divisions all using classes and objects. I ran into a problem the other day in which, for the league objects, I was not getting any output. I had to drill deeply to figure out the problem. I had instantiated the team object in the wrong order. (And, yes, that's a real computer word: to instantiate an instance of the object using the class that creates the object.) Since I out the league and the division data in the wrong order, when I was trying to sort by league using the words American and National, the code was checking the Division attribute that would never be either American or National. I spent a LONG TIME finding this error, which may be the main reason I needed extra time. So that's fixed but now I am struggling to sort into standings order.
ALSO, I have quite lost track of what pictures of you, Mom, I have posted and which ones I have not. I do not have an easy system to look at uploaded photos... oh wait, they are all in Google drive. Okay, so yes, I have used this photo up top already. But it's such a nice photo of you and the Big Guy. I feel the pride and love from the both of you very strongly from that photo. I need that feeling today.
Back to work.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 159 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1512.11 - 10:10
really 1512.12 - 8:25
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