Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #180 - Books read 2015

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #180 - Books read 2015

Hi Mom, As you know, as you made me, I am an avid reader. Pictured here are the books I read this year, though at the bottom of the second image the graphic dips into books from 2014.

I consume many books via audio, and so the majority of these are ones that I listened to. I keep a paper copy handy and I keep my place in the paper copy, which I also review from time to time, so I feel the reading experience is just as vivid and memorable, and in some cases, more so.

All of the comic books, of course, are read in traditional sense (not audio). And though these images above show the graphic novels read, it does not show the individual comic book issues I read in the year, which is MANY MANY MANY. If not for all that comic book reading, I would make it through more books.

Of the listings above, I read read, in the traditional sense, only The Girl in the Road, What Remains, Ancillary Justice, The White Tower, and Accelerando.

There's a few other cheats as well, such as I gave up on Rama Revealed after about 50 pages as its SO AWFUL. I tried to read The Peripheral and resorted to audio.

And though I read parts of the several nonfiction books shown (not counting The Singularity is Near), I did not read any of them in their entirety.

The list also does not take into account newsletters (such as Warren Ellis' weekly), Sports Weekly, Entertainment Weekly, Locus, and other magazines I read regularly. It does not take into account text books and some other Kindle books that I have not entered into my good reads. It also does not take into account the vast amount of Internet content I read all the time.

But it's a decent showing if you account for several hundred comic books. Of the dozen books pictures above, shown as next to read books, I managed six of them so far. The current next to read group is MUCH BIGGER. Maybe pictures of that later in the year.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 182 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1601.03 - 10:10

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