Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, January 7, 2019

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1417 - My Life in Hypnagogue - Simple Musical Monday for 1901.07

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1417 - My Life in Hypnagogue - Simple Musical Monday for 1901.07

Every two weeks John Shanahan releases the next episode of the Hypnagogue podcast.

It's lovely.

Here's his last two, which form a sort-of two-part best of 2018, sort of.



Episode 252

Audio Player
As much as I enjoy looking back over the music that’s been sent to the show in the last year, pulling together a playlist is a bit of a chore–but a pretty cool one. The chore is not just pointing out what albums really made an impact on me; it’s also about giving you a nice, deep listen. There are 19 tracks to dig into in this uninterrupted journey (20 if you count my way of saying “Thank You” via Adam Werner), and having head-tested the flow a couple of times now, I can say–yeah, it’s a nice, deep listen.
As always, thank you all for listening in the year gone by. The subscriber base has grown beautifully. At the beginning of the year it was about 450; now it’s over 635. So welcome, and thanks for hanging out, and happy listening. More to come in 2019.
Start     Byron Metcalf & Jennifer Grais, Soul of Mestengo, They Were Here
8.07       Majestica, Kesil’s Light, Auriga to Orion
13.38     Sensitive Chaos, Takeshita Street Vs. The Jeepney, Walking A Beautiful World
20.12     Altus, Final Approach, Pioneer
26.57     Steve Roach, Mercurius, Mercurius
41.11     SineRider, Memory Module, Lonely Ocean
44.02     Running in Slow Motion, A Locked Door as the Building Burns, Kinesis
48.47     Dan Caine, The Space Between Thoughts, Journey Through an Open Mind
53.03     Jeff Grienke, Night Watch, Before Sunrise
59.00     Juta Takahashi, Tangerine Blue, Light and Shadow
1.11.26  The Green Kingdom, Sleeping Forest, Seen and Unseen
1.17.01  Erik Nilsson, A Tiny Groove I Hid in Your Brain, The Imperfect Tense
1.22.16  Mirko Russo, Ghosts, Stories of Mirrors and Broken Roads
1.27.08  Monica Williams, New Horizons, Journey of Tears
1.30.50  Unifony, Rock, Unifony
1.35.46  Macchiato Funky, Ascolta, BUGELLA 20-50
1.40.04  Test Card, Old Enough To Drink Sherry, Rediffusion
1.42.58  Jeffrey Koepper, Whirl, Transmitter
1.49.36  Liminal Drifter, Stranger Things, The Dreams
After all the talky bits: Adam Werner, Thank You, Deep


Episode 253

Audio Player

I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t look at the list of great albums that I didn’t have space for on Episode 252 without thinking, “You know, many of my episodes are 11 tracks long…”
So here we go, friends—11 tracks from 11 more albums that gave your ol’ buddy Hypnagogue a solid whack in the listens in 2018.
Start      Numina, When the Sea Disappears from Me, The Chroma Plateau
9.35       redgreenblue, The Giant Redwood 1, The Forest. Pt 1
15.14     CИTROPY, Sundown, CИTROPY
19.21     Echo Us, Aeriel (Sartre Dance), To Wake a Dream in Moving Water
23.59     Lowering, Thrillho, Collapsule
30.57     The Detroit76, Damn Bit of Difference, Premiere
37.24     AeTopus, This is Our Home, Totem Totum
41.04     Tapes and Topographies, Navigational Pull, Opiates
47.07     Roy Mattson, Xylem and Phloem, Flora and Fauna
1.06.31  Ryan Summers, Don’t Tell, ii
1.13.16  Byron Metcalf, A Benevolent Spirit, Inner Rhythm Meditations Vol II


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1901.07 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1283 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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