A Sense of Doubt blog post #1431 - Berlin Community Radio Ends Tomorrow - Musical Monday for 1901.21
I probably overdo it with the Warren Ellis content.
With that in mind, I have more Warren Ellis content tomorrow.
Everyone should subscribe to Warren's newsletter and at least open it each week just to show him that people care.
I read it religiously, and last week, I called a comic shop in Portland looking for a comic he recommended, and the proprietrix had read it, too. I love when that happens. Show me that there are like minded people throughout the world, but especially Portland.
Warren turned me on to BERLIN COMMUNITY RADIO, and now he has revealed that it is shutting down. I was just playing it, but the stream ate too much RAM so I shut it down. I need a new computer because my desktop was built to deal with the Internet of ten years ago, and things have changed.
As I mentioned yesterday, original work is in the works.
For now, here's content from Warren Ellis's weekly newsletter, mainly the part in which he describes that BERLIN COMMUNITY RADIO is shutting down.
Oh and some extra stuff from the newsletter and music he recommended on Twitter.
FROM - Hand Of Stabs - OO 13 Jan 2019
siri how do i fund an internet radio station sob
Berlin Community Radio has been there for me for years, a channel to the present and future. Always surprising, often glorious, superbly curated and an essential part of my every week, no matter where I was. It’s closing down next month. A month before my country severs itself from Europe. A confluence that depresses me.
For me, there was nothing quite like Berlin Community Radio, and I just wanted to put something somewhere where I could properly say thank you to the organisers for six years of hard work and expense that made me feel like there was a radio station for me. Thank you.
BCR will close down and stop broadcasting February 5th 2019. It is with heavy heart that we came to this decision, but we reached a dead end and spirits have fallen low after losing all funding in 2018. We realize for many this comes as a shock and surprise but unfortunately as it is, BCR is not a sustainable model. Please believe us that we have tried every angle and left no stone unturned but we exhausted all options. Maybe, this just was a beautiful dream - for BCR to be what it has been and survive this long! Our team and ourselves put years worth of unpaid work and had to rely on free labor from our volunteers, contributors, programmers/ developers, graphic designers, video makers, hoping things will get better with time, but we simply do not believe this is how things should be done. There is only so far you can go on enthusiasm and believing in what you do. How far? Almost six years for us! We expect some people to suggest we set up a Kickstarter or Patreon, but please understand that these would still require a huge amount of work from our side and the station has been in need of substantial injection of money for a while now, not just operating costs that could potentially be gathered by the community around it. It's time to say goodbye.
Thank you so much for all the time, energy, love and support throughout. BCR is all of you. Some things are not meant to be forever. Let's celebrate what we accomplished over the past years and hope BCR will survive in the memories of everyone who helped, created, hosted and listened!
Lots of Love Anastazja & Sarah

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LONGWAVE: siri how do i fund an internet radio station sob (pouring one out for Berlin Community Radio, which announced that it's closing down in February.)
One song: ACRES by Black Eagle Child. Like a little burst of a young perfect summer.
Congrats to my friend Kyoto Kitamura on becoming the executive director of the Tri-Centric Foundation, the organisation that supports the work and legacy of musician, writer, composer, "genius grant" recipient and crazy person Anthony Braxton. I find a good deal of his stuff ...difficult to listen to, but I love to hear him talking about it. Here's a recent NYT interview.
“I discovered there’s a trance music coming from every direction, and every ethnic group,” he said. “And I found myself feeling that not only did I love this music, but it was relevant for me. I had come to a point where ‘intellectual interesting’ was not what I was looking for.”
And, via Kyoto, a transcript of the Braxton talk at the Cafe Oto that I missed:
I believe that this time period is a complex time period and very challenging because the essence of democracy is being challenged, and at the same time we continue to move forward technically, we are continuing to move forward spiritually, and there is every reason to have hope. In the end the far out components of this time period is, in my opinion, an opportunity - in the same way that in the 1960's the move from nationalism to a universal way of looking at manifestation was part of the challenge that brought guys like the great saxophone player and my brother Evan Parker, or Lol Coxhill - we all kind of came up together at the end of an era of hyper sonic logics starting with Charlie Parker as a point a definition that would fulfill the challenges of that time period - and so here we are, 2018, with a new set of challenges and for myself, I'm really a 20th century kind of guy. I grew up with a real attraction to composers like Charles Ives, Duke Ellington, Arnold Schoenberg and in Casablanca I think Humphrey Bogart says, “round up the usual crew!”. No it wasn't - who was the guy who said, “round up the crew!” in Casablanca? In other words, bring in the victims that we always use and it was very beautiful and so yes, I have never wanted to be alive more than I do now. And I am hopeful that I can go out fighting, trying to evolve my position and trying to better understand what it means to be alive on the planet like this. Hooray for the cosmic forces of the universe! Now let me go to your question... [Audience laugh]
I should have entitled this email "Hooray For The Cosmic Forces Of The Universe."
I finally got around to reading FRIENDO by Alex Paknadel and Martin Simmons with Dee Cunliffe on colours and letters by Taylor Esposito.
Here's the pitch. In future really-seriously-on-fire LA, Leo isn't getting auditions -- it's LA, why else do you think he's there -- and is trying to feel like a functional adult by taking immersive marketing gigs and pole dancing shifts. His girlfriend, Rachael, works for a studio and is the one who actually pays for everything. One night she gets him a gift, because she has the extra money and she likes to give him gifts. AR glasses with Friendo, a built-in machine-learning assistant. Its name is Jerry.
Jerry sounds like an old roommate of Leo's who OD'd.
Jerry's nuts.
It's a very now book. It's smart with flashes of sharp steel cynicism, it's drawn with big energy and some ambitious choices, the colours fairly glow (I noted with pleasure that the LA daytime scene feels like LA sunlight) and Taylor is one of the best letterers of his generation. You should take a look at it. There are probably like four issues out by now, and I'm a fuckup who only found the time to read issue 1 this week. Don't be like me.
FRIENDO is on Vault Comics.
And, listen, it was only on the second read that I caught the visual gag in the background of this bit. Seriously, go and look for this book.
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1901.21 - 10:10
- Days ago = 1297 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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