A Sense of Doubt blog post #1623 - Is Deliberately Misleading People Free Speech? and other news
Nothing says difficult in maintaining daily blogging as news from 2017.
But I am behind schedule, and so, here it is.
The funny thing is that this first item at least is still going on, and the other items are pretty relevant.
But just to be somewhat current, I provided a list of recent news at the end of this post.
Ask Slashdot: Is Deliberately Misleading People On the Internet Free Speech?
Ask Slashdot: Is Deliberately Misleading People On the Internet Free Speech?
Slashdot reader dryriver writes:Before anyone cries "free speech must always be free," let me qualify the question. Under a myriad of different internet sites and blogs are these click-through adverts that promise quick "miracle cures" for everything from toenail fungus to hair loss to tinnitus to age-related skin wrinkles to cancer. A lot of the ads begin with copy that reads "This one weird trick cures....." Most of the "cures" on offer are complete and utter crap designed to lift a few dollars from the credit cards of hundreds of thousands of gullible internet users. The IQ boosting pills that supposedly give you "amazing mental focus after just 2 weeks" don't work at all. Neither do any of the anti-ageing or anti-wrinkle creams, regardless of which "miracle berry" extract they put in them this year. And if you try to cure your cancer with an Internet remedy rather than seeing a doctor, you may actually wind up dead.
So the question -- is peddling this stuff online really "free speech"? You are promising something grandiose in exchange for hard cash that you know doesn't deliver any benefits at all.
Long-time Slashdot reader apraetor counters, "But how do you determine what is 'true'?" And Slashdot reader ToTheStars argues "It's already established that making claims about medicine is subject to scrutiny by the FDA (or the relevant authority in your jurisdiction)." But are other things the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theatre? Leave your best thoughts in the comments. Is deliberately misleading people on the internet free speech?
So the question -- is peddling this stuff online really "free speech"? You are promising something grandiose in exchange for hard cash that you know doesn't deliver any benefits at all.
Long-time Slashdot reader apraetor counters, "But how do you determine what is 'true'?" And Slashdot reader ToTheStars argues "It's already established that making claims about medicine is subject to scrutiny by the FDA (or the relevant authority in your jurisdiction)." But are other things the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theatre? Leave your best thoughts in the comments. Is deliberately misleading people on the internet free speech?

Slashdot Asks: Does the World Need a Third Mobile OS?
Google Uncovers Russia-Bought Ads On YouTube, Gmail and Other Platforms
Microsoft 'Was Sick', CEO Satya Nadella Says In New Book
Windows 10 Update Removes Windows Media Player
Half the Universe's Missing Matter Has Just Been Finally Found
Latest TVs Are Ready for Their Close-Ups
EPA Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule
Carbon-Emitting Soil Could Speed Global Warming, Warns 26-Year Study
'Blade Runner 2049' Isn't the Movie Denis Villeneuve Wanted to Make
'The White House Blocked My Report on Climate Change and National Security'
Linus Torvalds Prepares To Wave Goodbye To Linux Floppy Drives
Trump Administration Plans To Allow Imports Of Some Prescription Drugs From Canada
University of California Sues Five Major Retailers Over Edison-Style LED Bulbs
Your Next iPhone Might Be Made in Vietnam. Thank the Trade War.
Apple Reports Declining Profits and Stagnant Growth, Again
FTC Says 'You Will Be Disappointed' if You Choose $125 For Equifax Payout
Facebook Says It Was 'Not Our Role' To Remove Fake News During Australian Election
China Is On Track To Beat Its Peak-Emissions Pledge
Employee Happiness and Business Success Are Linked, Study Finds
Also, as you can see, the melt of ice is also moving backwards in time as today's date as per the entry is WEDNESDAY THE 31st and this news item below is dated THURSDAY AUGUST 1st.
That alone should clue in people to how serious global warming is becoming that it can effect time in reverse chronal disruption.
Greenland is Melting Away Before Our Eyes (rollingstone.com)
Posted by msmash from the closer-look dept.Amid an ongoing heat wave, new data show the Greenland ice sheet is in the middle of its biggest melt season in recorded history. It's the latest worrying signal climate change is accelerating far beyond the worst fears of even climate scientists. From a report:The record-setting heat wave that sweltered northern Europe last week has moved north over the critically vulnerable Greenland ice sheet, triggering temperatures this week that are as much as 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal. Weather models indicate Tuesday's temperature may have surpassed 75 degrees Fahrenheit in some regions of Greenland, and a weather balloon launched near the capital Nuuk measured all-time record warmth just above the surface. That heat wave is still intensifying, and is expected to peak on Thursday with the biggest single-day melt ever recorded in Greenland. On August 1 alone, more than 12 billion tons of water will permanently melt away from the ice sheet and find its way down to the ocean, irreversibly raising sea levels globally.
[...] Even just a few decades ago, an event like this would have been unthinkable. Now, island-wide meltdown days like this are becoming increasingly routine. The ongoing melt event is the second time in seven years that virtually the entire ice sheet simultaneously experienced at least some melt. The last was in July 2012, where 97% of the ice sheet simultaneously melted. In the 1980s, wintertime snows in Greenland roughly balanced summertime melt from the ice sheet, and the conventional wisdom among scientists was that it might take thousands of years for the ice to completely melt under pressure from global warming. That's all changed now. With a decade or two of hindsight, scientists now believe Greenland passed an important tipping point around 2003, and since then its melt rate has more than quadrupled.
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1907.31
- Days ago = 1488 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.