A Sense of Doubt blog post #1601 - The Apollo Guidance Computer (and Bitcoin)
Material will always present itself.
I was seeking a share for today, and I have not posted in some time about computers and coding. I am only interested in Bitcoin because I feel I should be. Mainly, I am sharing this post because I am interested in how it describes and explains the AGC -- Apollo Guidance Computer -- used in the Apollo missions. The 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 is this year and right about this time of the year (July 16th).
The Bitcoin experiment with this computer really tells the tale well on the ways in which Moore's Law has worked since the late 1960s to give us the technology we have today. The exponential curve of a doubling every 18-24 months over 50 years results in a difference, unsurprisingly, greater than the age of the universe. As you will, A LOT greater.
Here's the share.
Bitcoin mining on an Apollo Guidance Computer:
10.3 seconds per hash
been restoring an Apollo Guidance Computer1. Now that we have the
world's only working AGC, I decided to write some code for it. Trying to mine
Bitcoin on this 1960s computer seemed both pointless and anachronistic, so I
had to give it a shot. Implementing the Bitcoin hash algorithm in assembly code
on this 15-bit computer was challenging, but I got it to work. Unfortunately,
the computer is so slow that it would take about a billion times the age of the
universe to successfully mine a Bitcoin block.
The Apollo Guidance Computer was developed in
the 1960s for the Apollo missions to the Moon. Onboard the Apollo spacecraft,
these computers provided guidance, navigation, and controlled the engines. In
an era when most computers ranged from refrigerator-sized to room-sized, the
Apollo Guidance Computer was small enough to fly in space. One of the very
first computers to use integrated circuits, the AGC was 70 pounds and under a
cubic foot in size.
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The output from the Bitcoin mining program, displayed on the Display/Keyboard (DSKY). The display shows part of the Bitcoin hash in octal. The DSKY is a modern replica, hooked up to the genuine AGC. |
Apollo Guidance Computer also pushed the boundaries of software engineering
under the leadership of Margaret Hamilton. It had a cutting-edge
real-time operating system that supported multiple prioritized jobs2 along with fault
detection and handling. Much of the software was in assembly language but the
AGC also had an interpreter designed for navigation
algorithms. The interpreter implemented a virtual machine that provided vector
and matrix arithmetic along with trigonometry and double- and triple-precision
How Bitcoin mining works
the leading digital currency, Bitcoin has received a lot of attention in the
past few years. The Bitcoin system can be thought of as a ledger that keeps
track of who owns which Bitcoins, and allows them to be transferred from one person
to another. The revolutionary feature of Bitcoin is there's no central machine
or authority keeping track of things. Instead, the records are spread across
thousands of machines on the Internet, and the system works with nobody in
ensure everyone agrees on which transactions are valid, Bitcoin uses a process
called mining—about every 10 minutes a block of outstanding transactions is
mined, which makes the block "official". Bitcoin mining is designed
so it takes an insanely huge amount of computational effort to mine a block, so
nobody can take over the mining process. Miners compete against each other,
generating trillions and trillions of random "hashes" until someone
finds a lucky one that starts with 18 zeros.3 This hash forms a
successfully mined block, and then everyone moves on to the next block. The
idea is that getting 18 zeros in a row randomly is extremely unlikely, so it
takes a huge number of tries before someone succeeds. It's kind of like a
lottery, where miners keep trying until someone "wins", but finding a
valid hash is less likely than finding a single grain of sand out of all the
sand on Earth.
time a block is successfully mined, new Bitcoins are created; currently, a
successful miner gets 12.5 new Bitcoins (worth $140,000) as well as transaction
fees. The possibility of receiving $140,000 every 10 minutes motivates miners
to build datacenters full of specialized hardware using huge amounts of
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Structure of a Bitcoin block. The data in yellow is hashed to yield the block hash, which becomes the identifier for the block. The block is linked to the previous block by including the previous block's hash, forming the blockchain. The Merkle root is a hash of all the transactions in the block. |
diagram above shows what actually goes into a block that is mined. The yellow
part is the block header (which gets hashed), and it is followed by the
transactions that go into the block. Each block contains the hash of the
previous block, causing all the blocks to be linked together forming the blockchain.
On the right, you can see that the hash above was successful because it starts
with lots of zeros.
summarize the mining process: you collect new Bitcoin transactions and create a
header as in the diagram above. You generate the cryptographic hash of the
block. If by some incredible chance the result starts with 18 zeros you send
the block into the Bitcoin network and "win" $140,000 in Bitcoin. Otherwise,
you change the header slightly and try again as fast as possible. When someone
else succeeds in mining the block, you start over from the new block and new
The SHA-256 hash algorithm used by Bitcoin
do these hashes come from? Bitcoin mining is based on cryptography, with a
"hash function" that converts a block of data into an essentially
random hash value. The hash algorithm is designed to be simple to implement,
but cryptographically secure: there's no known short cut to finding a
successful hash other than trying zillions of hashes through brute force. In
particular, Bitcoin uses a standard cryptographic hash function called SHA-256.6 This algorithm is so
simple you can literally do it by hand, but it manages to scramble the
data entirely unpredictably.
The SHA-256 algorithm can be described in about a page of pseudocode. It consists of a scrambling step called a "round", repeated 64 times. The diagram below shows one round, which takes eight 4-byte hash values, A through H, performs a few operations, and generates new values for A through H. As can be seen from the diagram, only A and E are changed in a round, while the others are just shifted over. Even so, after 64 rounds the input data will be completely scrambled, generating the unpredictable hash output.
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This diagram shows the computations during one round of SHA-256. This process is repeated 64 times. Source: Wikipedia created by kockmeyer, CC BY-SA 3.0. |
The operations in SHA-256 are simple bit operations. The red boxes above indicate 32-bit addition, generating new values for A and E. The Ch "choose" box chooses bits from F or G, based on the value of input E. The Σ "sum" boxes rotate and sum bits. The Ma "majority" box looks at the bits in each position of A, B, and C, and selects whichever value is in the majority. The Kt values are constants. The input data enters the algorithm through the Wt values. These operations can be easily implemented on a computer using simple arithmetic and logic operations.7 (The operations can also be easily implemented in a custom logic circuit, which is why Bitcoin mining chips are popular.)
The Apollo Guidance Computer's processor
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A logic module from the Apollo Guidance Computer. The module consists of 120 integrated circuits, each one implementing two NOR gates. Photo courtesy of Mike Stewart. |
computer's architecture was unusual by modern standards: it used a 15-bit word,
along with parity. (Back then, computers often had a word size that fit the
application, not necessarily a power of 2.) The AGC had just 2K words of RAM,
along with 36K words of ROM. Its ROM was constructed from core rope memory. (I
wrote about the AGC's RAM core memory here and core rope here).
Apollo Guidance Computer was slow even by 1960s standards; it could perform
about 40,000 additions per second. (In the AGC's defense, this was an era when
most computers ranged from refrigerator-sized to room-filling, so the AGC did
well for its size.) The AGC's main strength was I/O: it had hundreds of I/O
connections to provide real-time control of the spacecraft.
Implementing SHA-256 on the Apollo Guidance
implementation of the SHA-256 hash algorithm implementation
follows the pseudocode pretty closely. I ran into
some difficulties, though, since the AGC's instruction set lacks many features of
modern computers. For instance, the AGC (like many 1960s computers) didn't have
a stack, so you had to keep track of the return address for each subroutine
complication was that the SHA-256 algorithm uses 32-bit unsigned numbers, while
the AGC used 15-bit signed numbers in obsolete 1's complement form, so even
addition required some tricky code. To fit a 32-bit number into the AGC, I split
each word into a 4-bit chunk and two 14-bit chunks. (I used 14-bit chunks and
not 15-bit chunks because I needed to use unsigned arithmetic.)
next issue was that the AGC has very limited memory. The AGC, like most
computers of the 1960s, used magnetic core memory, storing each bit in a tiny
magnetized ferrite ring. Since core memory was fairly bulky, the AGC had just
2K words (approximately 4K bytes) of RAM. The AGC's addressing scheme made
things more complicated since you could only access 256 words unless you used
an inconvenient bank switching mechanism. The problem is that the SHA-256
algorithm uses eight (32-bit) hash values, a 64-word message table, and 8 words
of intermediate values. These three arrays alone used up 240 AGC words, leaving
about 16 words for everything else (temporary values, subroutine return
addresses, loop counters, pointers, etc.) I managed to get everything to fit in
one bank by reusing these 16 words for multiple purposes, but I spent a lot of
time debugging problems when a variable clobbered a location still in use.
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For RAM, the Apollo Guidance Computer used this 2 kiloword core memory module. |
modern computers have shift and rotate instructions to manipulate words, but
the AGC instead used three special registers. Writing to a special register
would cycle the value right one bit, shift the value right, or cycle the value
left. The SHA-256 algorithm uses many 32-bit shifts and rotates, which I had to
convert into loops using the 15-bit cycle register. The point is that a shift operation
like x>>10 is trivial in C, but I needed to
implement a whole subroutine to do it on the AGC.
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Our Apollo Guidance Computer and replica DSKY. The computer's I/O connectors are visible at the front of the computer. six core rope slots at the back are empty. The photo is an homage to this classic AGC photo. |
keep the instruction set and code size small, the AGC had some instructions
with side effects you wouldn't expect. For example, the TS (Transfer to
Storage) instruction wrote a value to memory, which seems straightforward. But
if the previous addition had an overflow (i.e. a carry), TS also skipped the
next instruction and loaded the accumulator with a +1 or -1. In other words,
simply writing a value to memory could result in a jump in control flow and
register modification. The purpose of this was to handle carries for multiple-precision arithmetic, but most
computers simply implement this with an "Add with carry" instruction.
Running the program
video below shows my Bitcoin program running on an actual Apollo Guidance
Computer with the results displayed on our DSKY (Display/Keyboard). The DSKY
had a simple numeric keypad with buttons large enough for astronauts to use
with gloves on. The computer displayed output numerically; astronauts had to
know if the output was feet, seconds, degrees, or something else. We used a
replica DSKY created by Carl since nobody would let us use a real DSKY.8
Apollo Guidance Computer had a very simple user interface through the DSKY. An
astronaut selected an action pressing the "Verb" key, entering a verb
number, and pressing "Enter". The astronaut selected a target for the
action by entering a "Noun". (Astronauts had a reference card listing all the verbs and
nouns.) I added Bitcoin mining as Verb 65 in a program called Borealis9; you can see Mike enter
Verb 65 at the beginning of the video.
The Apollo Guidance Computer took 5.15 seconds for one SHA-256 hash. Since Bitcoin uses a double-hash, this results in a hash rate of 10.3 seconds per Bitcoin hash. Currently, the Bitcoin network is performing about 65 EH/s (65 quintillion hashes per second). At this difficulty, it would take the AGC 4×10^23 seconds on average to find a block. Since the universe is only 4.3×10^17 seconds old, it would take the AGC about a billion times the age of the universe to successfully mine a block.
Given the astronomical difficulty of mining, you might wonder how I successfully mined a block. For this demonstration, I simply used as input a block that had been successfully mined in the past, specifically block #286819. Thus, the algorithm succeeded quickly, but since it was an old block, I didn't make any money off it.
To put the AGC's mining performance in perspective, a USB stick miner performs 130 billion hashes per second. The stick miner costs under $70, compared to $150,000 for the Apollo Guidance Computer. For its time, the Apollo Guidance Computer was an extremely compact, low-power system, using 55 watts and taking up under a cubic foot of space. The USB miner, though, uses 12 watts and fits in your hand. The enormous difference in performance is due to the exponential increase in computer speed described by Moore's law as well as the advantage of custom Bitcoin mining hardware.
Programming the AGC—then and now
the 1960s, code for the AGC was written on punch cards, and assembled onto tape
using a software system called YUL. This system was more advanced than you'd
expect for the 1960s, including a source control system to track and
incorporate changes. For flight, the software was woven into core ropes, with
wires physically going around cores for a 0 or through cores for a 1. In other
words, each core rope was custom-manufactured, with the data stored in the
weaving pattern of the wires. This provided high-density, reliable ROM storage,
but required weeks of manufacturing.
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Detail of core rope memory wiring from an early (Block I) Apollo Guidance Computer. Photo from Raytheon. |
it wasn't practical to manufacture a new core rope for every change, a
different approach was used during development. A core rope simulator allowed a
program to be fed into the AGC from external storage. This simulator was part
of the refrigerator-sized monitor (below), which provided a debugging interface
to the AGC through a test connector on the AGC. The monitor allowed programmers
to set breakpoints, single-step, examine registers, and so forth, using lights
and switches.
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The AGC monitor provided a debugging interface to the AGC as well as a core rope simulator. See User's guide to the AGC monitor. |
my case, I wrote the software on my laptop and assembled it with yaYUL, a modern version of YUL written by the
Virtual AGC team. I tested the software on a simulated
AGC using the Code::Blocks IDE11, which provides
debugging features somewhat similar to what the monitor provided in the 1960s.
To run the code on the real AGC, we obviously didn't manufacture core ropes. We
have vintage core rope simulator boxes, but they turned out to be extremely
unreliable. Fortunately, Mike Stewart built a board to load code into the AGC
using the same AGC test connector originally used by the monitor.
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AGC code can be developed in an IDE. The debugger makes it much easier to develop code. The IDE communicates with the virtual DSKY. |
implemented the SHA-256 hash algorithm and ran it on the Apollo Guidance
Computer that we're restoring, taking 10.3 seconds per hash. This isn't my
first experiment with absurd Bitcoin mining. I tried mining
by hand with pencil and paper; this had a hash rate of 0.67
hashes per day. Using an IBM punch card mainframe computer from
the early 1960s got the hash rate up to 80 seconds per hash. My fastest
implementation was on a Xerox Alto (the famous 1973 computer that
inspired the Macintosh), which performed 1.5 hashes per second. Thus, the
Apollo Guidance Computer outperformed the older transistor-based IBM computer
but not the Alto.
The Apollo program cost 25.4 billion dollars as of 1973, equivalent to about 150 billion dollars today. The current market cap of Bitcoin is 200 billion dollars, so if NASA had been mining Bitcoins, they could have paid for the whole Apollo program and still had money left over. One flaw in this plan is the Apollo Guidance Computer's low performance, since mining a block would take much more than the lifetime of the universe.
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My Bitcoin mining experiments by hand, on a punch-card mainframe, and on a Xerox Alto. |
The Apollo program cost 25.4 billion dollars as of 1973, equivalent to about 150 billion dollars today. The current market cap of Bitcoin is 200 billion dollars, so if NASA had been mining Bitcoins, they could have paid for the whole Apollo program and still had money left over. One flaw in this plan is the Apollo Guidance Computer's low performance, since mining a block would take much more than the lifetime of the universe.
My code is available on Github; the mining code is in BITCOIN.agc. CuriousMarc has a series of AGC videos which you should watch for more information on the restoration project. I announce my latest blog posts on Twitter, so follow me @kenshirriff for future articles. I also have an RSS feed. Thanks to Mike Stewart for supplying images and extensive information.
Notes and references
The AGC restoration
team consists of Mike Stewart (creator of FPGA
AGC), Carl Claunch, Marc Verdiell (CuriousMarcon YouTube) and myself. The AGC
that we're restoring belongs to a private owner who picked it up at a scrap
yard in the 1970s after NASA scrapped it. For simplicity, I refer to the AGC
we're restoring as "our AGC".
The Apollo flights had one AGC in the command module (the
capsule that returned to Earth) and one AGC in the lunar module. In 1968,
before the Moon missions, NASA tested a lunar module with astronauts
aboard in a giant vacuum chamber in Houston to ensure that everything worked in
space-like conditions. We believe our AGC was installed in that lunar module
(LTA-8). Since this AGC was never flown, most of the modules were not potted
with epoxy. ↩
Because the AGC
supported multiple programs at once, my code needed to periodically call NEWJOB to
see if there were any other waiting jobs to run. To ensure reliability, the AGC
constantly checked to make sure a faulty program doesn't take over the system.
Thus, I needed to give other jobs the chance to run or else my job would get
killed. ↩
At the current Bitcoin
difficulty level, about 1 in 10^22 hashes will be successful at mining a block;
a valid hash must start with approximately 18 zeros. The mining difficulty changes periodically to
keep the time between blocks at approximately 10 minutes. As mining hardware
gets faster, the difficulty factor is automatically updated to make mining more
difficult so miners can never really catch up. ↩
A while back I estimated that Bitcoin mining uses about
as much electricity as the entire country of Cambodia. One paperputs mining's energy consumption
comparable to Ireland's electricity usage. A recent estimate is that Bitcoin mining
uses more electricity than Switzerland. ↩
I've simplified a lot
of details in my discussion of Bitcoin algorithms. For in-depth information on
Bitcoin and mining, see my articles Bitcoins the hard way and Bitcoin mining the hard way. ↩
Bitcoin uses
"double SHA-256" which simply consists of applying the SHA-256
function twice. I could have implemented the double-hash in the AGC code, but I
ran out of time; I got the basic hash working at 4 am the night before we sent
the AGC back to Houston. How to upload transactions into the AGC is also left
as an exercise for the reader. ↩
While SHA-256 is easy
to implement, that's not the case for all the cryptography used by Bitcoin. To
create a Bitcoin transaction, the transaction must be signed with elliptic
curve cryptography. This requires 256-bit modular arithmetic, which is about as
hard as it sounds. Even a simple implementation is 1000 lines of C.
Needless to say, I decided not to implement signing in assembly language on the
AGC. ↩
Many people have asked
if we talked to Fran Blanche about the DSKY. Yes, we
have. ↩
The Aurora program
was used to extensively test the operation of the Apollo Guidance Computer in
the Lunar Module. I wrote the Bitcoin code as part of Borealis, a
modern version of Aurora slightly cleaned up. The code
for Aurora and Borealis includes a table of verb definitions so it was
straightforward for me to add Verb 65 for my Bitcoin code. In the video, you
can see Mike enter Verb 65 to start the Bitcoin program. I also took advantage
of the Executive's octal display routine to show the output. This routine is
accessed through Verb 05 Noun 01, which is why you'll see that on the display
at the end of the video. ↩
At the end of the
video clip, the display shows 8 octal triples indicating the hash:
00000/00000/00000, 00000/00000/00000, 00007/21221/23740, 00017/35565/05002,
00002/20333/04715, 0o00002, 0o33226, 0o05227, 00004/05367/35221,
00005/00252/14222. (The 11111/11111/11111 value is just a signal that all
values have been displayed.) Converting these to hex and reversing the bytes
yields the 8-byte Bitcoin hash: 00000000 00000000 e067a478 024addfe cdc93628
978aa52d 91fabd42 92982a50. Note the multiple zeros at the beginning of the
hash; this is what makes the hash valid. ↩
The Virtual
AGC project has developed simulations of the AGC, DSKY,
and YUL assembler, so you can experiment with the
AGC system. While you can do this from the command line, debugging is much,
much easier if you use the Code::Blocks IDE. You can download a VirtualBox
environment with everything set up here.
In the folder "AGC Visual Debugging", double-click on Borealis to
start Code::Blocks. You can edit code in the IDE (or with an editor). Then
"Build → Build" compiles the code and "Debug → Start" runs
code in the debugger. "Tools → DSKY" starts up a DSKY window to
interact with the AGC. "Debug → Debugging windows → Memory dump" lets
you look at memory contents. The IDE lets you set breakpoints, single-step
through code, examine memory, and so forth. For more information on AGC code
development, see this page. ↩
The Bitcoin protocol
is a mish-mash of big-endian and little-endian values. It inconveniently
reverses the byte order of the SHA-256 hash, so while the hash from the
algorithm ends with zeros, the Bitcoin hash starts with zeros. I displayed the
hash to match the Bitcoin order. ↩
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1907.09 - 10:10
- Days ago = 1466 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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