Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, July 8, 2019

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1600 - Eight Songs - Musical Monday for 1907.08

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1600 - Eight Songs - Musical Monday for 1907.08

I like that post 1600 fell on a Musical Monday. Feels right.

I am reading Moby's newest book and second memoir And Then It Fell Apart, and so this mix is in part inspired by what I am reading. I also just finished Ani DiFranco's memoir No Walls and the Recurring Dream, and so there is also one of my latest and now favorite DiFranco tunes in it (from the most recent album Binary).

I am working on reviews of both books for the blog, starting with Ani's as I am done with it.

The image came from searching for images of Moby's song "Porcelain." I do not know the image source.

The two books revealed a stark contrast. Ani DiFranco starts her book with amusing anecdotes of times when things went wrong on stage, such as a dress that rode up her thighs uncomfortably and revealingly or getting booed in New York for not being queer enough to receive some queer award.

Moby's book begins with his attempt at suicide after a long description of all the ways he contemplated taking his life.

This is quite a contrast in not just how the book start but in their tones and purposes.

Now that I am listening to Moby's book, I wanted to start a mix with one of his best songs ever, and the name of his memoir, "Porcelain." I added the Ani DiFranco song because it's my new favorite and features a duet with her daughter, which is an awesome thing.

Other songs came about via suggestions from Google's You Tube, such as Joni Mitchell's "Coyote" and "Regiment" from one of my top ten favorite albums of all time My Life in the Bush of Ghosts.

I wanted spacers from the Moby songs. I had considered just two Moby songs given that I was only going to share eight songs, and then I found the Moby and Elton John duet, and I had to add it.

Lastly, I added some links for some of the songs, especially the Moby and Elton John duet to explain where it came from and to provide explanations and background for some of the songs.

Eight Songs - Musical Monday for 1907.08

Moby - "Porcelain" (Official Video) - 3:12
Joni Mitchell - "Coyote" (Live at Gordon Lightfoot's Home with Bob Dylan & Roger McGuinn, 1975) - 2:58
Ani DiFranco and her daughter Petah - "Play God" - 4:57
Nick Cave - "Are you the one that I've been waiting for" - 4:06
Moby feat. Christina Ricci - "Natural Blues" - 4:17
David Byrne & Brian Eno - "Regiment" - 3:59
Joy Division - 05 - "New Dawn Fades" - 4:48
Moby & Elton John - "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?" - Dec 2000 - 5:29


Songs one by one.
Eight Songs - Musical Monday for 1907.08


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1907.08 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1465 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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