Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2947 - "Riders on the Storm" - Extended - The Doors - Music Week 2023 #06

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2947 - "Riders on the Storm" - Extended - The Doors - Music Week 2023 #06

I have always LOVED "Riders on the Storm" by the Doors from their 1971 album LA Woman.

Extended play version here today for the next installment in the "music week" that will go for an extended week of 14 days (as I started with post #0 and a Music Monday before that) but the official numbered count will be 12 days.

Kind of crazy text on the You Tube page by the creator of this extended version.

Some bonus articles and a bonus video of the 50th anniversary edition of the song with a video that debuted Dec 3, 2021.

The 50th anniversary video brings the psychedelic vision to life that Jim Morrison would have loved to create in 1971, surely.



Behind the Psychedelic Trip to the ‘70s for 50 Years of The Doors’ Riders on the Storm

Thanks for tuning in!

14,319,418 views  May 15, 2014
The 62nd upload is 'Riders On The Storm' by the Doors. This extended remastered version was taken from the WJGroup Files and combines the original 1971 2-Channel stereo version from their LA Woman album with the 4-channel Discrete version from the old Quadraphonic 8 Track version where there are 4 distinct discrete Channels. Combining the 4 Discrete Channel Version, and the 2- channel Stereo version produced an much enhanced digital version where the backgrounds sounds are much clearly heard, and some have never been heard before. I do not own the song or video. I borrowed the video From The WJGroup. This Video was made by Associate DAVID EDISON.   WJGCYBERGUARD 18 / The Walters Judson Group
                             Final News note: Dan Martin bids farewell

       Dear Subcribers and friends of the WJG. This is my  final Newsnote Thank you for all the great years you gave me (2013 – 2022).  It was a great run. 30,000 subscribers  and 16 million views.  You Tube has been undermining my channel along with the WJG CyberGuards for about 20 months now, but they have finally put the last nail into the coffin; WJG CyberGuards have   found them doing all sorts of acts to bring my channel to a halt.  Yesterday, at 11pm (JULY 23 2022) the channel received only  1,200 views in one day – as to compare with 30,000 a day (2019)  20,000 a day (2020), 15,000 a day (2021) and now, 1,200  - they   are responsible and WE HAVE PROOF they did it. You see,     friends, You Tube hates criticism. After we criticize them for  undermining this channel – they immediately took every step   to destroy it. Now, as of July, 2022 – we have WJG members   writing to us that their “LIKES” are not being registered either.    So we did a test.. We “liked”  one song with an account from   a valid WJG member – it never showed up. Also, our subscribers  have written to us they “can’t find” WJG songs on SEO   searches – we fixed that for them – but it is proof  You Tube   is hiding this channel from viewers. How else would views go   down  700 percent in just 2 weeks?  So I bid you farewell.

                              Last Videos
         I have given Perry Hollingsworth and Peter Worthington permission
         to upload the last videos in the next few weeks. Currently both of those
         men are in the UK attending the funeral of Peter’s grandmother. They will
         return in a few days – but even Perry and Peter were shocked by the
         damage done to the Dan Martin / WJG-CyberGuard channel just this past
         7 months. We have all the numbers.  Any news from this day on won’t be 
          from me – but from the WJG or WHD because I will giving them my
          authorization after the final decision on 30 August.

                          Channel / Final History

           Between July 30 and  August 30, final decisions will be made on my
           Channel – I say this because Peter Worthington is on the brink of 
            purchasing the WJG  or merging it with their new WHD Institute.
           You will notice that between May 2016 and March 2018 there were
            NO VIDEOS uploaded. It is because You Tube gave me an illegal
            strike, and I suffered a stroke the same day the strike was handed 
            to my channel.  Since then am partially disabled. The CyberGuards
             do everything for me. I  reopened the channel for the WJG 
             Assembly – until  now, and they did my work for me with
             brilliant talent and ideas.  

             Thank you very much for your time – and it was a great time. OH,
             ONE WARNING:   Please don’t say anything negative about YOU
             TUBE – especially if you have an account with them – they will shut
              down your channel like they to my channel. They record everything
              you say about them – and if you say anything negative – they will
             undermine your channel until it dies.  Guaranteed. We have many
              people that will tell you the same thing because it happened to them 
              too. We have hundreds of witnesses. You Tube practices an inside
              job to hunt down “anti-youtube” accounts and channels.
               God, Love,  and Forgiveness to all of you..   

              Daniel Martin, and The Assembly of WJGCyberGuards

Riders on the Storm
Song by The Doors

Riders on the stormRiders on the stormInto this house, we're bornInto this world, we're thrownLike a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the storm
There's a killer on the roadHis brain is squirmin' like a toadTake a long holidayLet your children playIf you give this man a rideSweet family will dieKiller on the road, yeah
Girl, you gotta love your manGirl, you gotta love your manTake him by the handMake him understandThe world on you dependsOur life will never endGotta love your man, yeah
Riders on the stormRiders on the stormInto this house, we're bornInto this world, we're thrownLike a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the storm
Riders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the storm
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: James Morrison / John Densmore / Ray Manzarek / Robby Krieger
Riders on the Storm lyrics © Doors Music Company, O/B/O Capasso, Royalty Network, Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Released: 1971
Album: L.A. Woman
Artist: The Doors

LA Woman 50th anniversary deluxe edition is available now.  

The Doors’ “Riders on the Storm” was one of the first tracks recorded for the band’s epic final studio album as a foursome, L.A. Woman. 50 years after its original release as a single in 1971, it is The Doors most-streamed song. 

Rhino Records is pleased to present the first ever official music video for “Riders on the Storm” as part of the ongoing 50th anniversary celebration of The Doors’ LA Woman.

Lovingly remastered by Bruce Botnick, the deluxe package includes the original album as well as over two hours of studio chatter, outtakes, demos, and alternate versions including the newly discovered original demo for “Riders on the Storm.”

The Doors 
Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger, John Densmore

A Film by Brendo+Gonfiantini
Produced by LANDIA

Product Manager for Warner Music Group Alicia Yaffe
Management Jeff Jampol, Kenny Nemes
Genero Global Head of Production Mark Roemer

EP & Manager Director Sebastian Hall, Carol Dantas
EP Valentina Baisch 
Executive Producer Assistant Larissa Delfini 
Head of Production Camilla Bastos
Producer Assistant Luciana Andrade, Natália Petrechen
Post Production Coordinator Elton Bronzeli
Post Production Coordinator Assistant Rui Fontes
Edited by Nathalia Kamura

Starring Gabe Joie
Director of Photography Adriano Gonfiantini
Production Designer Brendo Garcia
Stylist Yumi Kurita 
Stylist Assistant Rafha Castro
Fashion Producer Giovanna Gobbi
MUAH Guilherme Casagrande 
MUAH assistant Grasiela Paz
MUAH management Fernanda Sá 
MUAH management assistant Ivy Faria
Nail Artist Roberta Muniz
Casting Cintia Cappellano 

Post-Production Clan Vfx
Vfx Supervision Luiz Adriano, Luciano Neves
Executive Production Luiz Adriano, Mônica Delfini
Post-Production Coordination Tânia Ripardo
Post-Production Coordination Assistant Pedro Maia
Conform Murilo Moraes, Eliel Pereira
Composition Luiz Adriano, Tadeu Carraca
Motion Graphics Guilherme Caires (Montanha), Gustavo Fernandes
CGI Coordinator Fabrício Rabachin
CGI Modeling Marcel Tsuruda, Rodrigo Braga
Texturing and Shading Fabrício Rabachin, Rodrigonbraga, Luciano Neves
Animation Fernando Fracaroli
Camera Tracking João Sheeperson 
Simulation Luciano Neves, Luiz Adriano

Grading Marla Colour Grading
Colour Grading Artist Fernando Lui
Producer Leandro Basso Neto
Grading Assistant Rodrigo Farias, Natalia Teraoka

Real-time Environment xCAVE 
XR Creative Director Rodrigo Hurtado
Executive Producer Camila Santos 
Producer Rafaela Aquino 
Real-time Visual Effects Lead Paulo Henrique Lima 
Real-time Virtual Production Paulo Furtado 
Real-time Technical Artist Juan Gonzales 
3D Character Artist Rodriga Ávila  
Simulation and Visual Effects Artist Robson Sampaio  
Real-time Environment Artist Fábio Guedes  
3D Animatior Lead Marcos Elias

Virtual Production TD Studio
CEO Tiago Magnus
Director of Virtual Production Brayhan Hawryliszyn
3d Artist/On Set Optimization Teo Tavares 
Ncam Camera Tracking João Henrique Borges Ferreira, Renato De Robertis
Virtual Production Assistant João Henrique Borges Ferreira, Renato De Robertis, Miller Ludgerio 
Broadcast Technician Mario Soares De Almeida Junior 

LED Wall Octa LED Lighting Shows
Lighting desk operator Rodnei Hamaguchi
Operators Bruno Pereira Pacheco, Jair Barbosa de Barros, Gilberto da Silva, Pedro Alexandre Albino da Silva, Jucimar da Silva, Ronaldo de Lima Andre, Marcos Simões Molina

Sound mixing LOUD 
Production Manager Monica Alves, Heitor Vasconcellos
1st AC Pati Gimenez, Eduardo Augusto Duque (Pimenta)
2st AC Camila Morales Maffia, Caio Freitas de Oliveira
Playback operator Ester de Araújo 
Loader Allan Souza de Almeida
Movi operator José Lopes de Maria Júnior, Adriano Gonfiantini
Crane operator  Rodrigo Soares da Cruz
1st AD Gustavo Gusmão

Chief Lighting Technician Juarez Rios (Prego)
Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Hudson Monteiro de Lima Dantas, Daniel Siqueira Zuculo
Key Grip Daniel Francisco dos Santos
Grip Álvaro dos Santos Bispo 
Best Boy Waldir Wagner Bravo Junior (Tica), Mauricio Cordeiro Dias, Carlos André Joaquim Santos (Dedé)
Genny Operator Carlos Jose de Jesus
Catering Cine Café, Graciene, Manoel
Drivers Sebastiao Nilo da Costa, Juarez  Ratti, Zuilto Joaquim de Santana, Otacilio Pimenta da Silva, Ronaldo, Sidnei Paiva, Gesiel Muniz de Carvalho. 
Prop Coordinator Gisela Villalva 
Prop Coordinator Assistant Valdir Monteiro
Prop maker Pelé Leonarchic
Painter Marcelinho Fernandes, Wanderley Domingues Scaciotti
Prop Master Rafael Canal

Storyboard Artist Marcelinho Fernander
Title/Poster Designer Eder Xavier, Brendo Garcia
Making of Otávio César Tavares de Souza, Miller Ludgerio 
Making of editor Renan Prado

Medical Service Vanessa Aparecida Oliveira Rocha
Firefighter Rafael Tiago Giovanello
Studio MOVI&ART 
Coordination Claudinha
Coordination Assistant Michel Nogueira
Post-production Coordinator Rafael Malavasi


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2303.14 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2811 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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