Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1098 - Moving 1966 - Throwback Thursday for 1807.12

Moving from Midland - 1966 - 4 1/2 years of age
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1098 - Moving 1966 - Throwback Thursday for 1807.12

Hi Mom,

And so, Hey Mom continues but just twice a week. This is my first Hey Mom Throwback Thursday since I ceased daily broadcast of the Hey Mom feature.

The picture above is from what I like to call "photo series one," meaning it comes from that white photo album that show my life from birth until I am about five or so years old. I am not sure if you ever managed to finish a corresponding album for Lori, which is a shame.

It's a great photo for today's blog, showing me and Dad, a rare photo in which someone other than Dad, (you?), was taking photos. You wrote "moving 4 1/2 years" on the back, meaning I was four and a half years of age, putting this photo at about July of 1966. The background shows the trailer we lived in while in Midland, and we're about to move to Traverse City for Dad's new job. The high chair sits among a stack of things about to be loaded into a car or truck. I will have to ask Dad how we accomplished this move.

I liked the photo and decided it served as a good choice for this first Hey Mom Throwback Thursday in the new, non-daily schedule.

I am not sure what the photo is meant to show. Is it supposed to look like I am driving and Dad's in the backseat? It's unclear.

UPDATE - 1807.19 - In the photo, I am stacked on top of a wheelbarrow with other things that my father is hauling, hence the position of his arms. I should have guessed this one on my own... :-)

As for daily, I am not doing very well. I am not sure how much content I will get in this entry before I decide to post it.

It's Saturday as I type these words, and I should be working. Then again, I am working a lot and need to also take time for myself. I am out on our back porch (patio) with the dogs. Liesel has gone into Portland. It's about noon. We've already been out to take Satchel to the vet. She (Satchel) has not been feeling well. Earlier this week, she had some vomiting and some diarrhea. She seemed to improve, but after we took her off the soft diet (eggs and rice), she suffered a relapse after initially feeling better with normal poops and no vomiting. But then, this morning, the relapse.

Partly, Satchel's illness contributed to my falling behind on the blog yet again. But partly, it had to do with the scheduling of my time, which I am not always best at. However, I did some fun things. After working all day Wednesday, I played Ultimate at night. Thursday, I went down to Vancouver for a coffee meet up and then hung out with a guy I have recently met to practice coding interview questions. I hope to write about the coding questions soon.

Ellory is bored. Satchel is not feeling well and wants to be left alone. Temperatures are climbing. Though right now it's mid-70s with a nice breeze, it's hot in the sun, and eventually temps are going to exceed 90. The dogs rotate from lying in the sun to retreating to the shade when they get too hot. Ellory wants to play, but Satchel is not interested.

Back to my lamenting of schedules and work, Thursday was compressed, and I had to put off some work until Friday or else I would have been working into the night, which I detest. After returning home from the coding work, and making some dinner, I did not have much time left for work, so more work found its way into the Friday schedule, even though I did go up to Longview to take Liesel to lunch. Even so, I found some time to practice coding in Python. I ran up against a scope issue when passing a list to a function, which I am still working through to make sure I understand it fully and correctly. But I have been trying to play with the code to figure out an answer.

Since I am posting this back in time, I am not going to avoid sharing about recent events. So, Saturday (that's two days from the posted time of this blog, July 14th), I went into Portland to meet Liesel with Piper's Dad Chris, his wife Lisi, their son Fiver, and Piper and Adam. I grow weary of the AI directions from the Google Map app, so I got off the I5 once I saw the traffic gridlock caused by construction on the I5 south. I navigated surface streets, using the map and not the directions, to make my way to south Portland and this brewery selected as our dinner location. I had some issues with one way streets and congestion, but I was able to drive the non-expressway, city streets to the brewery. And then, after dinner, my car would not start for no good reason. After a while, it did start, but this caused a chain of events resulting in leaving Liesel's car in Portland and going back and getting it Sunday, which is now today as I write these words.

I was so preoccupied last night driving home after the car trouble that at one point I realized I was back in Washington with no memory of crossing the huge I5 bridge and the vast expanse of the Columbia River. Is the awe factor gone? I don't think so, but I was clearly zoned out.

I could share more, Mom, about books I am reading and the dogs and life, but that's enough. I want to get this posted, and I have more work to do.

I will talk to you more, though briefly, Sunday, and  then next Thursday for a Throwback that I will try to make more interesting.


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 1104 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1807.12 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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