Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1352 - HBO to Trump - "Don't reference our show without permission"

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1352 - HBO to Trump - "Don't reference our show without permission"

And given yesterday's post, while I am on the subject of Game of Thrones:


There's this... (HILARIOUS!!)

Thank you HBO and cool folks like Maisie Williams. This news story made my day.


(CNN)HBO sent some ice and fire President Trump's way after he tweeted an image of himself that appropriated the font style and catch phrase from "Game of Thrones."
On Friday, Trump posted to his social media account a photo of himself with the words: "Sanctions are coming," a play on the well-known "Game of Thrones" saying, "Winter is coming."
HBO was quick to respond, saying in a statement to CNN: "We were not aware of this messaging and would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes."
The premium cable network also issued a more humorous response on Twitter, asking followers: "How do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?"

Author George R.R. Martin, whose "A Song of Ice and Fire" series is the basis for the epic show, also responded on Twitter with an image of his own.
"Fear cuts deeper than swords," the tweet read. "Vote. Tuesday the 6th."
Martin has been critical of Trump in the past.
In an interview with New York Times Magazine last month, Martin compared the President to the show's character King Joffrey, a tyrannical teenage ruler on the series.
"They have the same amount of emotional maturity," Martin said.
Cast member Maisie Williams also weighed in on Trump's reference to the series on which she stars, but kept her point brief.
    "Not today," she wrote.
    (HBO and CNN share parent company WarnerMedia)

    And so, Iran responds. WOW.


    A major general in the Iranian army fired back at President Trump’s “Game of Thrones” inspired meme with one of his own on Friday, vowing to stand against U.S. sanctions.
    Ghasem Soleimany, a major general in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, posted an Instagram photo inspired by the book series-turned-HBO hit show “Game of Thrones.”
    “I will stand against you,” the photo reads in the show’s signature text.

    ترامپ قمارباز؛ من حریف تو هستم #Sanctions | #iran | #🇮🇷 ‌‌ ‌‌ شما برای ما خط و نشان می‌کشید؟ ایران را نمی‌خواهد، نیروهای مسلح ایران را نمی‌خواهد؛ من حریف شما هستم، نیروی قدس حریف شماست. بدانید هیچ شبی نیست که ما بخوابیم و به شما فکر نکنیم. به شما می‌گویم آقای ترامپ قمارباز! بدان در آنجایی که فکر نمی‌کنی، ما در نزدیک شما هستیم. در هر کجا که تصور نمیکنید ما در کنار شما هستیم. ما ملت شهادت هستیم، ما ملت امام حسین(علیه‌السلام) هستیم. بپرس ما حوادث سختی را پشت سر گذاشتیم. بیا! ما منتظریم؛ ما مرد این میدان برای شما هستیم. شما می‌دانید این جنگ یعنی نابودی همه امکانات شما، این جنگ را شما شروع می‌کنید اما پایانش را ما ترسیم می‌کنیم. بنابراین نباید به ملت ایران اهانت بکنید، نباید به رئیس جمهور ما اهانت بکنید، باید بدانید که چه می‌گویید. از پیشینیان خودتان بپرسید. از تجربه‌ی آنها بهره ببرید. یقینا در داخل آمریکا کسانی هستند و موسسات مطالعاتی فراوانی هستند که اینها را مطالعه می‌کنند، به او گوشزد می‌کنند و به او یادآوری می‌کنند. ۹۷/۵/۴
    A post shared by Ghasem Soleimany|قاسم سلیمانی (@soleimany_ir) on

    Iran is on my radar right now because I am re-reading Persepolis to teach it in my class at Concordia University, and 45 brings Iran in the news in a major way.

    It's on like Donkey Kong.


    - Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1811.03 - 10:10

    - Days ago = 1218 days ago

    - New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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