Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1132 - Thanksgiving 2018 (and 2015-2017)

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1132 - Thanksgiving 2018 (and 2015-2017)

Hi Mom,

This one is full of gratitude and thanks, but also mindful of the genocide caused by the colonialism, imperialism, and "manifest destiny" of American HIStory. Also, I am clearly biased as I am reading A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES.


so............ stuff like this.........

Lots of social media posts on here today.

But I am also remembering you, Mom, and all the great feasts you made and how much you loved Thanksgiving. My wife loves it, too, and always cooks up a storm. Our turkey, which was not supposed to be frozen, was a little frozen, so we're cooking for eight hours. We'll see how that goes.

At least the Lions game is on nationally.

So, here. Mom, I continue my tradition of sharing the previous HEY MOM Thanksgiving posts.

Smaller table this year, but that's okay.

I have some work to do because I took off most of yesterday to be with Ivan (photo below).

I am missing you, today, Mom.

Enjoy the content. I am going to have some SCOTCH WHISKEY!

GO LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE REPRINTS! I shared these next three before but they are worth sharing again 

I love this song and video. I am just going to keep sharing it OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!



from Left: Piper, me, Liesel, Elizabeth, Rob, Will, Ivan, Adam, and Molly. John is taking the photo
 Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #871 - Thanksgiving 2017

Hi Mom, So we had a grand Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. I am a bit late posting this because, you know, as usual, grades.

The dinner was fantastic, due to the fantastic cooking of my wife, Liesel (turkey, stuffing, everything), Piper (pies, bread), Elizabeth (vegies), and Rob (mashed potatoes).

And we had such a large table with family and friends visiting. Ivan was visiting from Kalamazoo with his close friend and bandmate Will Moss. Adam's sister (Molly Hermiz formerly Kemp) and brother-in-law (John Hermiz) were visiting from San Diego. And then, our local family Liesel's step-father Robert (Rob) Allen and his wife Elizabeth were in attendance from nearby Brush Prairie.

As you can see, Mom, there was plenty of wine. The turkey was delicious and amazingly fed all these people with leftovers. There was also stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry, asparagus, a Brussels sprouts mixture with walnuts, mashed potatoes, cranberry, bread (Piper), and three pies: pumpkin (by Liesel), cherry/raspberry and apple (Piper). We also had a large salmon filet for John who does not eat other meats.

We put the dogs in a kennel for the day and night just to make it a bit easier on all of us to cook, clean up, and have great dinner conversation without post-potty-outside dog cleaning or walking. We managed to get Rob discussing his PhD, Elizabeth joined in with her experiences (defending her PhD in Spanish) while discussing John's PhD work at UC San Diego. We all had a lengthy music discussion listing favorite songs and albums.

After dinner and some of the clean up (the rest happened Friday), we played some games from the Jack Box company (You Don't Know Jack etc.).

It's been a great week with these guests, members of our extended family. Will and Ivan played a lot of music. There was plenty of laughter and affection shared among everyone. The dogs were well loved, also, with John as well as Will and Ivan taking them for walks to spell me from those daily chores.

I am thankful for these people being in my life. Look at Piper in this picture below. She is beaming with happiness and joy. It's so great having her here with us. The look on Liesel's face shows how happy she is as well. In fact, doesn't everyone look pretty happy? And we haven't even eaten yet when those photos were taken.

I even carved the turkey (see photos below as I needed to photograph the carcass), and I really have no idea what I am doing in turkey carving.

My wife has made this new house a wonderful home, and I am so very grateful for that home and for these wonderful people and this shared meal.

I do wish you could have been here, Mom. I am sure you would have been impressed.

from Left: Liesel, Elizabeth, Rob, Will, Ivan, Adam, John, Molly, and Piper. I am taking the photo.

- Days ago = 873 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1711.24 - 10:10
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #870 - Thanksgiving 2016 and 2015 - again

Hi Mom,

Post within a post within a post.

Kind of like mirrors reflecting each other.

A chain of Thanksgiving posts.

The 2016 post re-posted the 2015 post, and now I am posting the 2017 post as those posts.

So, that's three Thanksgiving days without you, Mom.

That doesn't seem right. But for the first time in my life, I was not with Dad or Lori either. But that's okay. There was lost of family here.

More on that tomorrow.

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #506 - Thanksgiving 2016

Hi Mom,

I don't have the picture Liesel took of our Thanksgiving this year, and I did not take pictures.

Below is last year's Thanksgiving post, which I am managing to get posted exactly a week later, so I am catching up, though it may not seem that way.

I made mashed potatoes and an Asian slaw and ramen salad.

A week later, I am still eating up leftovers.

I peeled potatoes "yesterday" (the day before Thanksgiving) while annoying Satchel by singing along to Bruce Springsteen that was playing loudly on the stereo.

I did you proud, Mom.

Thanksgiving 2014
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #142 - Happy Thanksgiving, Mom

Hi Mom,

I could make this a really long entry. I am thinking a lot about you today.

The picture up top is from our first Thanksgiving in the St.Antoine house. The picture to the left of this text is from last year.

I am thankful for you, Mom. I am thankful for everything you gave me, taught me, showed me, and for your love, your appreciation, your show of pride, so much.

We enjoyed many Thanksgiving days together, and you were generally tolerant of my desire to keep football on TV.

I am thankful for my parents, my sister, my brother-in-law, my wife, my kids, my dog, my cat, so many things, people, and blessings.

I am thinking about how lucky I am, how grateful I am to the universe, to my wife, to you and Dad, Mom.

I wish you were here to kiss and show you how thankful I am.

I am missing you a lot this year.

I just want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

And, no, I am not celebrating colonization and mass genocide. This holiday can also be just about family no matter what the original event.

I wish you were here, Mom.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.

- Days ago = 144 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1511.26 - 10:49

- Days ago = 508 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1611.24 - 10:10
- Days ago = 872 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1711.23 - 10:10

Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.

Also, David Bowie, I am thankful to you - I miss you. from daily Bowie #6

The Daily Bowie #6 - "Fill Your Heart"

Greetings. Here's today's The Daily Bowie.

I made some decisions about The Daily Bowie.

1. The List. I had forgotten that I promised to keep a tally. I may not include it every day, but I will share it at list once a week.

2. ALL THE ALBUMS: For the month, I am going to restrict myself to one song from one album at a time. By album, I mean the main, studio albums, not live albums or compilations or soundtracks. So far, each song came from a different album of the twenty-six albums in his career. This will be an interesting restriction given the songs I have selected so far. Once I have posted one song for each album, then I can return to previous albums and/or different versions of songs I have already posted. However, I am not restricting myself just to songs Bowie WROTE as today's song, come to find out, which I did not know, is not written by Bowie.

3. ONE PICTURE; ONE VIDEO (mostly): I will stick to the one video thing, but one picture? Yesterday, I posted two pictures. I will try to keep it simple, but there are SO MANY pictures.

4. BRIEF: This is one of the longer posts as I am sharing rules and the list. Mainly, I keep it brief.

The Daily Bowie #0 - "Space Oddity" - SPACE ODDITY - 1969
The Daily Bowie #1 - "Ashes to Ashes" - SCARY MONSTERS - 1980
The Daily Bowie #2 - "Cat People" - LET'S DANCE - 1983
The Daily Bowie #3 - "Sons of the Silent Age" - HEROES - 1977
The Daily Bowie #4 - "Running Gun Blues" - THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD - 1970
The Daily Bowie #5 - "Sound and Vision" - LOW - 1977
The Daily Bowie #6 - "Fill Your Heart" - HUNKY DORY -1971


"Fill Your Heart" is a song written by Biff Rose and Paul Williams and performed here by David Bowie. It is from the album Hunky Dory in the year 1971.

"Things that happened in the past only happened in your Mind..."


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1601.26 - 7:07

Also, my gratitude post:
from - https://sensedoubt.blogspot.com/2018/08/a-sense-of-doubt-blog-post-1107.html

So, each morning, I run the list of things for which I am grateful. I am not always listing musical artists, like Suzanne Vega, because I focus mostly on my family and community. Though from time to time, musical artists will drift into my consciousness, and I will thank the universe for them, infuse the positive energy of my love into the fabric of the cosmos, because, after all, we are all connected.

LAST WORD ON THE GRATITUDE THING: I got the idea for the gratitude prayer (meditation, list, incantation, catalogue, rumination, reflection, or whatever you want to call it) from a movie called The SecretI am not quite promoting the movie as a "true" exposure of an actual science. In fact, many of the stories in the film are a bit fatuous. However, I like watching it. I showed it to a class (my second viewing) about a month ago, and the idea of the daily gratitude thing struck me. In the movie, one of the interviewees (I forget which one and it's not important) explained how he had a rock in his pocket. At night, he would set it on his dresser with the other contents of his pockets. The next morning, he would retrieve it and remember to list the things for which he was grateful as a daily routine, like a prayer. He had a visitor from South Africa and told the man about his rock and gratitude practice. The man called it a "gratitude rock." After returning to South Africa, he wrote his American friend and asked for some gratitude rocks to be sent to him because one of his children was very sick, and he did not have the money to seek medical care for the child. The interviewee balked at sending "gratitude rocks" because, after all, "they are just rocks," he said. But he found three nice rocks and sent them to his South African friend. Months later, the South African wrote back. The rocks worked! His son was healed and recovered. They paid for his medical treatment by selling a hundred gratitude rocks. People believed in the power of the gratitude rocks.

I found this story inspirational. I do not use a rock, but every day, I make my gratitude list. I send energy into the universe. I focus on the positive and try to limit or dismiss the negative.

I think it's working.

Thank you, Mom.


- Days ago = 1237 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1811.22 - 10:10
revised 1901.13

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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