Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1129 - America is Waiting - again - a music mix and commentary content

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1129 - America is Waiting - again - a music mix and commentary content

Hi Mom,


This post is a special Hey Mom reprint on a day I usually don't feature such content, but after yesterday's election, I felt that this message was all the more important.

EDIT - 1811.09 - I try not to edit posts once they are published, but some times I do. If I see a typo (or someone tells me about a typo) I fix it. Given that I try to maintain a daily publication schedule, the work is not always thoroughly edited and revised. In fact, such labor would be a bit counter to my process. This blog activity allows me some freedom to just... let it all hang out, so to speak.

AND, most certainly, I have NEVER edited a blog post when I am reprinting it as I have done here.

But I am using these blog posts as starters in my classes, and I needed to add the Police's "Too Much Information," especially having found this very cool video for it. But when I was looking at the mix, I decided that the videos needed to be re-arranged somewhat, and so I have not only edited the mix on You Tube, but I have edited the reprint of the original mix here. I do not intend to go back and edit the original blog post for the mix. But I will add the new blog link for the reprint to the You Tube mix page.

I also had to change the name of the mix on You Tube as it was an early mix and I had titled it by the date first, so that made it very difficult to find in my list of mixes. It is now called:


Here's the video player for the whole thing:

It's one of my shorter mixes. It consists of only 13 songs. I should get back to shorter mixes.

Before the reprint a message from the last great president and possibly one of the greatest ever, Barack Obama, and then comments by my good friend Chris Dilley published yesterday in the People's Food Co-Op of Kalamazoo weekly newsletter. BTW, and just because I am not sure I ever shared it on my blog before, I used to serve on the board of the co-op. It was my honor to serve, and one of the best things I have ever done in my life.



Hi everyone,

Happy voting day. I trust you have all voted.

Discourse in the US and our community right now is so challenging. We have been confronted with name-calling and insinuation-filled discourse everywhere we turn. It's hard, and it's disheartening.

Everyday at PFC we show up ready to engage in our work to create access to good food for all. For us that means doing the work in a way that celebrates good efforts and challenges us all to make areas rife with injustice better.

I sometimes get this comment: "Why should a grocery store and farmers markets be working on racism?" The easy answer, in a sense, is that our mission calls for it, "access for all." And we know that racism, sexism, gender identity oppression, and other ways we marginalize people and strip them of power, impede access to education, employment, wealth accumulation and healthcare, and they impede access to good food. The work PFC does in the community to create places filled with locally grown, love-filled, clean, fresh food, would be wasted if we didn't strive to make these places more and more open and inclusive of all the amazing people that Kalamazoo has within it.

As a straight, white male, I can often be blind to the impacts of racism, sexism, and many other oppressions are invisible. I try to challenge this privileged perspective every day, challenging my fragility in conversations about race, challenge myself to listen better - not to argue that people are misunderstanding intentions - but to really hear that people of color, women, LGBTQQIA+ folks, and many others are suffering disproportionately, in different ways, due to their identities. This cannot stand.

And we must continue to find our humanity, and that of those who we disagree with, so we can have a conversation that matters. Civility matters, even in the face of understandable rage and fear. We are still living beings, striving to be together on this planet.

So, on this evening, as we wait to see how the will of our community has shaped public service and ultimately public discourse through our choice in servants, I feel called to step further into the discomfort of this work, not away from it. I hope you will join me. We are so much stronger together, seeing past our differences. Engaging in real talk in respectful, inclusive ways is one tool we have in each of our control to make it a better world.

I hope you'll join me in stepping up and in, trying to do better every day, and being open to learning and growing through every interaction.

Thanks for listening. I wish you the best and hope to see you at the co-op very soon or at one of the final markets of the year. - Chris

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #629 - America is Waiting, Musical Monday 1703.27

Hi Mom, I started this playlist two weeks ago while studying Calculus in Sangren, but then last week I came home sick.

I was going to keep this to just ten videos, like the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah, but then I decided to add the Kate Bush video, which seems very much in the theme of this set, and feeling that eleven videos is too odd and prime, I decided to add one more for an even dozen. When I went searching for just the right 12th video, I found the Killing Joke video that proved to be a great counter point to all the videos, the theme for which is "The State of the Hate Nation."

I mentioned "The State of the Hate Nation" in a recent blog post that I am very proud of that's about racism in comics: Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #627 - ASM#25 - Spider-Man pauses midfight to consider racist message. Please check it out if you haven't. I know you have been with me on this, Mom.

The Killing Joke video proved to be the perfect thing to cap off this set. The current nation seems to have a lot on common with the Reagan years of the 1980s. except the part where Trump is Putin of Russia's finger puppet. Can't really say Reagan and Bush were controlled by the Russians.

The central message here comes from the repeated lines in Byrne and Eno's great "America is Waiting" song that leads off the seminal masterpiece: My Life in the Bush of Ghosts:

"America is waiting for a message of some sort or another."

I am really proud of this set.

Great finds here, such as Sevdaliza, who came to my attention through those amazing algorithms of the Google-verse that's going to show me things that other people have liked who have liked what I have liked. She's amazing! Expect more Sevdaliza in future weeks.

The Google-verse also suggested that it was time to listen to Mogwai's "Ether," and though I featured that song in the masterful and amazingly best playlist so far this year --

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #573 - Kieron Gillen's Best of for 2016 - Musical Monday 1701.30

-- I took Google's suggestion and added it as I think it's a good message, a progression in this building theme created by these videos.

I was also trying to think of bands and tracks that felt like they should go together. Byrne and Eno made me think of Burial, which led me to NIN, which made Cabaret Voltaire a natural extension of those three.

I was trying not to double up, but then, I realized that there's a reason I want two cuts from My Life in the Bush of Ghosts and two from Cabaret Voltaire. That's just right.

Obviously, the Gil Scott Heron track is righteous and fits perfectly with "America is Waiting," but also especially perfect because it's the Bernie Sanders edition.

Some may say that the Peter Gabriel song seems like an outlier here, but listen to the lyrics.

As Gabriel claims it's a story of human rights told to him by an Apache Indian.

What could be more perfect as part of this collection of interrelated tunes?

"I hold the line."


David Byrne & Brian Eno - "America is Waiting" from My Life in the Bush of Ghosts

Gil Scott Heron - "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" - from Soul of a Man

The Police - "Too Much Information" - from Ghost in the Machine - 1981

Burial - "Ghost Hardware"

Mogwai - "Ether"

Nine Inch Nails - "Closer"

David Byrne & Brian Eno - "The Jezebel Spirit" from My Life in the Bush of Ghosts

Sevdaliza - "HUMAN"

Kate Bush - "Cloudbursting" - from Hounds of Love

Peter Gabriel - "San Jacinto"

Cabaret Voltaire - "Ghostalk"

Cabaret Voltaire - "What Is Real"

Killing Joke - "Eighties"

ORIGINAL - Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1703.27 - 10:10 my time (7:10 PDT)


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 1222 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1811.07 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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