Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, November 19, 2018

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1368 - Thank You Warren Ellis - Musical Monday Mix for 1811.19

from Ganzeer - restricted Frequency #103 - 1806.09

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1368 - Thank You Warren Ellis - Musical Monday Mix for 1811.19

I had almost caught up on the blog until yesterday's push to finish grading.
Still, one day behind is not bad.

Here's a quiet and beautiful collection (not really a mix) of music, some of which I have curated, and some I am saving here to check out later.

I am sharing a big chunk of one of Warren Ellis' recent newsletters here because the "Black Mirror" moment he had with his new "hob" was very funny.

It's getting colder. There are blankets.

It's the time of year for gratitude, and I am grateful that I get to love so many wonderful people who love me in return.

I love my teaching work for the first time in many years. REALLY LOVE IT not just the kind of love we talk about when we say we "love" fruit pie. BUT DEEP AND ABIDING LOVE.

I am reinvigorated.

And so, to that end, there are beautiful things, happy things, pretty melodies and serenity.

More tomorrow.

First up...

I really love this song

Before we get started, maybe just start playing this album...

Followed by this album...


from Ganzeer - restricted Frequency #103 - 1806.09

New Kitchen - OO 11 November 2018

Hello from out here on the Thames Delta. This one should actually have been named "New Sick Note," as I contracted an opportunistic infection at the end of my Death Flu bout, and have to spend Monday trying to get in to see the doctor.  I'm fine, I'm not going to die - unless I don't get treatment, haha -- it's just slowing me down a bit, and I'm already a few weeks behind schedule.
So, this week, I'm just going to do a quick gathering of things I think are worth attention, or are utterly self-promotional, and get the hell out of here.
Oh, and I do have a new kitchen.  The oven, hob and dishwasher all failed pretty much simultaneously, and I was bringing in a season of tv and working on a screenplay. So I said to the child's mother, you have had eighteen holidays this year, so you fix this while I hit a thousand deadlines.  Get good ones.  So Friday I woke up to find the replacements had been delivered and installed.  Excellent, I thought. I will make an omelette.  I looked at the hob. It is a giant polished black slab. With no controls.  I was discovered having a full-on Black Mirror moment.  My hob had been replaced by a touchscreen that I could not activate.  
I was then shown the childlock system. Which I had failed to notice, let alone unlock. It therefore worked perfectly.
The hob is an induction system run by a touchscreen. The oven is a peculiar object that is also run off a touchscreen. I am afraid of the dishwasher.  
The Black Mirror Hob, I must point out, was shown to a 23 year old and a 29 year old, who both commented on its possible operation with "wtf even is that."  So the Youngs are no help, and it is not because I am An Old, okay?  I see how you're looking at me. Put tape over your damn webcam, this isn't 2005.
My intelligent appliances are more intelligent than I am please help it wasn't supposed to be like this
I was induced by Image to do an interview with The Comics Journal website.
Part 8 of FINALITY is live, ending act one.  It will return in 2019.
CEMETERY BEACH 3 by me and Jason Howard is out on the 14th and it looks like this:
Jason is currently working on TREES Volume Three, working title THREE FATES.
New Vessel album is fascinating.  Track 8 is a complete chamber music suite that tours a whole continuum of electronic music.  I'm still sorting out what I think about the whole thing - it's a complex object.
I can't do better for RETURN TO THE COOL ZONE by Dousing than Bloxham Tapes' own write-up:
The DOUSING sound is all and none of the following. It's the moment that Moebius and Rodelius embraced melody. Dawn skittering on airplane wings on woozy transatlantic flights. Wide-open spaces lurking in every claustrophobic urban apartment. Rain on a windscreen on an endless drive. A solo flight on the black and white keys in the depth of winter. A fellow traveller. 
Lucy Swope and Sean Dack have released the new GHOST COP album.  You can buy it as a digital download or a CD that comes with a 40-page booklet full of original artwork, lyrics, and micro-fictions by novelist Tim Maughan, and a USB drive with the lossless files, housed in an anti-static Faraday bag.
It is undeniably their best record yet, electronically timelost between 1982 and 2022. Give it a listen for free at the link.

I read two books this week.  One was the new Jack Reacher, PAST TENSE, about which I have nothing to say other than it was a solid B Reacher book, with some interesting technical attempts to bend the Reacher format somewhat.
The other was STATIC RUIN by Corey J White, the concluding part of the Void Witch Trilogy.  It's quieter than the full widescreen apocalypse of the middle part.  It's melancholy and twisty and poisonous.  At this point, I, the reader, feel fairly sure that Mars Xi is unkillable.  But that doesn't mean she can't be harmed, and it doesn't mean the sparse but affecting supporting cast can't be murdered -- we know that, the trilogy has amassed quite the body count.  But the book still has speed, and stakes, and threat, smartly winding in plot threads and materials from the other books while introducing new characters who fit well into the work's concluding themes. He even gets away with the liiiitle bit of deus ex machina towards the end, because it's handled so lightly and it makes you smile.
STATIC RUIN, Corey J White (UK) (US)
And here's a book with a cover I kind of love, that I should find soon:
That concludes the Yumna Al-Arashi Wallet Memorial book section.  Matt Fraction says: "Thrilled to pass the title on to a new champ"
If you're just joining me and have forgotten why you subscribed: I'm Warren Ellis, author, comics writer, public speaker, screenwriter, producer, Doctor of the University of Essex, visiting Professor to York St John University, Patron to Humanists UK and writer/co-producer of CASTLEVANIA on Netflix.
I got around 400 new sign-ups last week, and I don't know where you all came from, but welcome to the thing that 21,000 people read every week.
Please add warrenellis@orbitaloperations.com to your address book so I don't keep getting marked as sp7m just for sending you an email with four fucking links in it.
If you enjoy this newsletter, perhaps you'd like to infect your friends with it, by driving them to http://orbitaloperations.com and forcing them to give me their email address.  Forward them your copy of this newsletter to see if they like it.
I just like that gif, sorry. Get you someone who can murder with mild amusement while not leaving fingerprints. I collect images for consideration, research and design boarding. Like this one:
Magdalena Jetelová, Atlantic Wall, 1995. Laser projection of a quote from Paul Virilio’s Bunker Archaeology.
Paul Virilio died recently. His oeuvre is a bit daunting, but consider starting with what I think was his last book, The Administration of Fear, which is essentially a long interview with him.  I keep the book in my office.  It was released in 2012:
"We are facing the emergence of a real, collective madness reinforced by the synchronization of emotions: the sudden globalization of affects in real time that hits all of humanity at the same time, and in the name of Progress. Emergency exit: we have entered a time of general panic.
"The same feeling of terror can be felt in all corners of the world at the same time."
I've linked it (UK) (US) to make it easier for you to find.
Okay, I'm out.  I'm guessing it was a stressful week for a lot of you?  Well, it's okay to shut it all out for a while until you're back up on your feet. Getting some rest and doing some things that you like do not betray anything or anyone. Turn off the phone, eat something nice-- yes, you, remember to eat --  put your feet up and listen to music. Running yourself into the ground and letting the world eat your brain doesn't help anyone. Hold on tight. See you next week.
-- W


"Dance Of The Leviathans" - Squidwerks - deep oceanic ambient
Hey, Ireland finally got rid of its blasphemy law.  
出鱈目​:​Detarame by Indus Bonze  - big gorge banger
BENELUX ENERGY - Heilige Dag -  it just makes me smile
And things that make you smile are important.  Do something that makes you smile this week.  You deserve it. Hold on tight.  Here we go again.
- W

I'll finish that up over the next couple of weeks.
Let's see what else has accreted on the desk in my absence:
From Front & Follow, Sone Institute has a new album forthcoming, and here's a nice icy electronic piece from it.
WEST COAST ESCAPISM by Omni Gardens: New New Age ambient.
MORNING COMPUTER: Recent Quotes 26sep18
There's a new podcast called Popcvlt, which I haven't listened to, but I have heard the opening music ident by Knifesex and I kinda love it.
I also liked "Baby Save Me Tonight" by MAY which is a gorgeous, lost thing.

If you like ambient music, Astral and Shit are releasing a new album apparently every few hours.  It's mad.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1811.19 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1234 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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