Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1133 - The Importance of Socks

 Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1133 - The Importance of Socks

(Sense of Doubt #1377)

Hi Mom,

Sock are really important.

I have been thinking about this post and planning it for quite a while. It's meant to be a short reflection on the importance of not just any socks, but the right socks.

Here's a thing I have yet to find here in PDX that is quite as good as Kalamazoo.

In Kalamazoo, I had Gazelle Sports right down town and since 2011 very close to my house, and they have great socks. Though they stopped carrying Wigwam socks, which is partially the purpose for this blog post to provide resources to get these socks. I had on my to-do list going to OKUN BROTHERS in Kalamazoo for two years before I left and each time I have gone back just to buy Wigwam Socks, but I have never been able to work the errand into the schedule. 

I have discovered that I am a quarter-height sock guy, except when it's cold and I want the crew height. I have played Ultimate in knee-high (or higher) before, but only when it's REALLY cold. The picture above left shows one of my two pairs of crew-height Smart Wool socks, which breathe very well, wick moisture, and yet are amazingly warm for me cold little toes when it's frosty and gelid around the house or when there's a pogonip in the neighborhood.

I also love my Smart Wool quarter heights. I have two pair of those, as well. I have tried low-cut and No-shows, and I hate them. The elastic wears and then they slip down under the rim of the shoe top and sometimes come off the heel entirely. Doesn't work for me. I know it works for some of you, but not me.

I have been loving Feetures Socks lately, and I am wearing them right now. These are quarter-height (of course), they wick moisture and fit snugly. They are just warm enough when they need to be and yet mostly cool and breathing.

I love these socks!!

When I play Ultimate, bike, run, walk the dogs, or hike, it's always the quarter heights from Smart Wool or Feetures. Though some times, as the pairs could be in the laundry, I wear the Wigwams, but mostly those are for knocking around the house. Though when it's cold, it's the crew height Smart Wool socks or the Balega socks.

I re-wear socks, though not after Ultimate, because I do not own enough pairs of the premium socks to keep up on the laundry if I tossed them in the hamper every day. I aim to fix this discrepancy, hence this blog post/

When we first moved in here, somehow one of the socks in my cushioned, deluxe pair of Balega socks went missing. I have never found it, which still makes me sad and angsty. 

This might work: BALEGA (but it's a search).

Out of the shower, I do wear light weight and sometimes tab or micro height socks. I have some nice Wigwams, Smart Wools, and even Wright Sock, whom I do like a lot.

So far, I have only found one store that I LOVE for socks in PDX which is Shortt Supply in Hood River. Last time, I was in Next Adventure and EVO, I did not shop socks, so I need to go back to see if these premier Portland recreation shops have what I want and need. Web sites show me that they do... :-)

Some people balk at paying $15-$30 for a pair of socks. I get it. I felt that way at one time, too, and I would instead opt for a pack of FIVE for the same price. BUT the premium socks are worth it, and they tend to last a LONG TIME. It's an investment that's just as important as shoes, which for me is now and always will be Brooks' Ghosts or Glycerins, though I have tried other Brooks models and other brands. I need Neutral Cushion, and these are the best. I am basically in socks and shoes all the time, with orthotic inserts, inside and and outside, at home, ALL THE TIME, so these concerns are REALLY important.

Oh that's funny. I just found out that Brooks is a Seattle company!

I suspect that ALL OF THESE COMPANIES are probably here in the PACIFIC Northwest, though I am not going to research that now.

So, that's my sock resource page.

High quality socks are very important for dry feet, warm feet, and comfort. Is that outrageous to pay $20 for a pair of socks with such deliveries that will survive multiple wearings long past the cheap, flimsy, uncomfortable packs of five that don't wick moisture and are not all that warm?

Of course it's not outrageous at all.

I hope I either reinforced your own sock love or convinced you on the importance of premium socks.

I also like this hand sanitizer to the right and have to find places to buy it out here.

You were always good with these things Mom: shopping for hand sanitizer, buying me socks.

Thanks for reading. More tomorrow.

I didn't even notice that this was still a HEY MOM post when I wrote it, which means two in a row...


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 1243 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1811.28 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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