Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Daily Bowie #22 - "Glass Spider"

The Daily Bowie #22 - "Glass Spider"

Somewhere she glows divine. Somewhere she wakes alone.

Of all of David Bowie's albums, I like Never Let Me Down the least.

He seemed to be asking fans not to let him down even through his difficult creative period in the 1980s as he tried to shed the weight of the chains he forged to himself, Jacob Marley-like, with Let's Dance.

I did not let you down, David. I stood by. "Have faith in Bowie," I said. But it was a long time from 1984 to 1995 as we waited for Bowie to once again find his sea legs.

"Glass Spider" is probably the best song on the album, though some may argue this point.

It's audacious. I like it for its brash and brassy quality, and the Peter Frampton guitar work.


FROM LINK (SEE ABOVE): And just as much of it’s a mess, from Bowie’s quasi-operatic bursts in the first verse (“can you HEAAR this wasted CRYYYY”) to the whinnying Frampton guitar solos to Bowie’s irritating tone in the “jah jah jah” refrains. Still, “Glass Spider” alone makes the case for Never Let Me Down—with its air of frenzied desperation, its sense of Bowie being willing to try anything, even if it made him look like an ass—being superior to the pure product Tonight and, arguably, some of his later albums. “Glass Spider,” a bewildering, appalling lapse of taste, is the sound of a man reclaiming himself.




"Glass Spider"

Up until one century ago there lived,
In the Zi Duang province of eastern country
A glass-like spider
Having devoured its prey it would drape the skeletons 
over its web
In weeks creating a macabre
Shrine of remains
Its web was also unique in that it had many layers
Like floors in a building

At the top of this palace-like place, assembled with 
almost apparent
Care, were tiny, shining objects, glass, beads, dew-drops
One could almost call it an altar
When the breeze blew 
thru this construction
It produced sounds of wailing, crying
Tiny wails, tiny cries

The baby spiders would get scared and search frantically for their mother.
But the Glass Spider would have long gone, having known that the babies
Would survive somehow
on their own.
Oh-The Glass Spider had blue eyes almost like-a human's.
They shed tears at the wintered turn of the centuries.

Don't you hear this wasted cry, 
Life is over you
(Mummy come back 'cause the water's all gone)
But you've seen who's in heaven. Is there anyone in hell
(Mummy come back 'cause it's dark now)
Take care, take care.
(Mummy come back 'cause the water's all gone)

Somewhere she glows divine. Somewhere she wakes alone.
But you, you've promise 
in your lovin' eye. 

God it's dark now.

Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah
Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah

Gone, Gone the water's all gone
Mummy come back 
'cause the water's all gone
Stay low on the ground, fire can drive you,
savage and afraid
Spitting the dawn, come come come along
before the animals awake
Run, run, we've been moving all night, rivers to the left.
If your mother don't love you then the riverbed might 
Gone, gone, the water's all gone
Mummy come back
'cause the water's all gone

Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah
Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah

Gone gone the water's all gone
Mummy come back 
'cause the water's all gone


Rest in peace, David. We miss you.

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1602.11 - 14:10

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