Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #118 - "Feel to Believe" - Seven Songs

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Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #118 - "Feel to Believe" - Seven Songs

Hi Mom,

I return to the seven songs thing. No one said they had to be seven songs in seven consecutive days, right?

I love this song.

It's a great singing song.

I have used it as an anthem in many ways, but there was even a connection to you, Mom, and your passing.

Beth Orton - "Feel to Believe"

I have seen Beth Orton twice. The first time I saw her in Irving Place in New York and I was watching the warm up band as she walked up behind me with her dress for the show slung over shoulder. Other people mobbed her, so I left her alone, but we exchanged smiles.

Beth Orton is one of my favorite all time singer-songwriters PERIOD. I discovered her quite by chance, when I decided to buy some new music, two new CDs, based on reviews in Details magazine. Both artists (the other is Lori Carson) have become two of my favorites.

This song has been an anthem to me. A healing balm. A passionate, angry, tortured testament to some love lost, found, found again, whatever.

It's just a great fucking song

I had an argument with some wanker online over the lyrics. I say she's singing

And I won't waste a single second
Living in hell as an idea of heaven
And if one truth leads you to five
I still don't believe in your reasons why

But this bloke, and many of the lyrics sites have

And I won't waste a single second
Living in hell as a nadir of heaven
And if one truth leads you to five
I still don't believe in your reasons why

I say that since Beth is British, her "an idea of" comes out like "nadir of." If I ever get a chance to meet or correspond with Beth, I am going to ask her. But, really, I am pretty sure I'm right.

I have written about Beth Orton and this song before. I write about this song in all three of the following posts (the purple text features links), but I specifically write about "Feel to Believe" in T-shirt #357.

T-shirt #263 - KUDL 2009 - Red - Cotton

T-shirt #360 - Ani DiFranco & My Top Ten Women in Music

T-shirt #357 - The Pixies - Long-Sleeve

Lyrics to "Feel to Believe" by Beth Orton - From the album Central Reservation - 1999

You lose it just to find it
And as you walk right by it
You forget how you got there
And why you never meant to stay

And I won't watch you waste away
And I won't fake another day
And if one truth leads you to five
I still don't believe in your reasons why
I just don't believe in why

You love her, you need her
To feel is to believe her
You know it, you want it
You just can't believe you've got it

And I can't watch you waste away
And I won't beg you still to stay
And if one truth leads you to five
I still don't believe in your reasons why
I just don't believe in why, just don't believe in why

I couldn't watch you walk away
And not forget it
I couldn't watch you turn to stone
And just regret it a single day
Not a single day, not a single day, not a single day

If I lose you, could you find me
Or would you walk right by me?
The soul and the spirit
Each have got their own limit

And I can't waste another second
Living in hell like it's some kind of heaven
And if one truth leads to another
Then isn't there one I can uncover?
But there isn't one that I will not discover

It's the right time, it's my time
It's the right time, it's my time
It's my turn to discover

And I won't waste a single second
Living in hell as a nadir of heaven**
And if one truth leads you to five
I still don't believe in your reasons why

And if one truth leads to another
Isn't there one we can uncover?
If there isn't one that we cannot discover
It's right time, it's our time to discover

** = see comments above for what I think of this lyric.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 120 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1511.01 - time

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