Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #123 - new license - the gmr

I need a quick entry because I have to send this back in time as I am writing this on Saturday morning, but it's for Friday.
Some may remember Hey Mom #16, I know you do Mom. I asked and I received my sign: I should not hold on to your license plate as my license plate out of sentimentality, and I certainly should not monogram my care as you did. I should do my own thing. As you can see, I did. Message received. Thank you.
Early feedback from people who don't know me think it may mean "the gamer" abbreviated to fit on the license. I am okay with that misinterpretation. It stands for Galactic Monkey Wrench. And yes, I know that should be GMW, but that sounds like a car. My good friend the LOC dubbed me the gmr many years ago without thinking carefully about the actual acronym. It stuck. It's me. I am the one who throws the monkey wrench into the galaxy. Yup.

More later, Mom. Went to Gloria Steinem tonight and going to a magic show with Dad tomorrow. I want to write about these things, so that's up next. Plus, I have on more song to do for the seven songs in seven days.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 125 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1511.06: 10:10
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